Sunday, May 23, 2010


We fished the river this morning - the guys stay at one spot and I take off up stream to my favourite spot. As I was coming around a bend, I noticed 2 kayakers heading downstream. I thought I saw one on shore so I turned around and headed back to the guys - you don't fish where other people are and I didn't want to disturb them. Then I noticed them both heading downstream so I headed back from where they came toward my spot - hoping that they had not disturbed the fish. I looked back and noticed that the kayakers had stopped and were fishing right in front of where Rejean and Rick were - right in the holes they were fishing!!! Now, I think that is rude and they should have kept going, trying not to disturb Rejean and Rick already fishing that spot. It is common courtesy.
What do you think? You can comment by clicking on the word "comment" after this post - you can choose the "anonymous" selection if you don't want to leave your name. I am interested to hear what you have to think. Thanks!!
See Ya Bye


  1. this was very unsportsman like of them and is just not done. A few rocks threwn at them would be a hint for them to move to the next pool and not ruin someone fishing yuk yuk eddie o

  2. If they blocked the Guys from casting where they had been actually casting , they should have been stoned , or snagged wiby an erratic cast ! If however, they were casting to the other side , or casting in sequence so as not to interfere with the guys , they had the right to fish there , and were showing proper river etiquette . It is a free flowing river , even if you consider it YOUR Spot .

  3. it was poor river manners move on,people should have the sense to see whats going on and leave.

  4. We fish Lake Erie all the time and have other boats troll right up alongside and in some cases even snag your lines. There is always plenty of places to fish on a lake or river that one needs not to move in to your space. If someone is fishing in your favorite fishing hole, then move down river to another spot.

  5. Thanks for all your comments - the jist of the comments indicate that the kayakers should have just floated by and not stopped to cast. We rarely run into people when we fish and this just happened on the long weekend - we practise proper fishing etiquette at all times. We live up here so we can fish at any time.

  6. the big question is-did they catch any fish or have a hit while they were there? did the boys talk to them? how long where they there for? you should have told them to watch out for the bear that likes to swim!!-sistersue
