I noticed the raven out on the pile of hay we have by the stream and a large dark brown figure off to the side - I got out the binoculars and lo and behold - it was a Turkey Vulture. He flew away when he noticed movement and then perched on the branch outside the front window. He was watching the raven get his breakfast - I thought that he might fly down and get some for himself but he was a little shy. He flew around a bit then disappeared. They are big birds - some might say ugly but I kind of like them. They just soar on the thermals and updrafts looking for food - road kill to be exact. And if bald eagles can do that then they can too - and be just as majestic. They are built for getting their heads right into the good stuff. Nice to see them so close.
Tonite I have a meeting at the hall - not the elections because Cheryl forgot to post the signage so I hope it is short so I can race home to watch the game - Now that Detroit is out, I am for Montreal - go Habs go!!!!
See Ya Bye
Cet article donne la lumière dans laquelle nous pouvons observer la réalité. Ceci est très gentil et donne des informations en profondeur. Merci pour ce bel article.