Friday, September 17, 2010


Apparently it was my anniversary yesterday - September 16th - Joan called during the day and wished me happy anniversary - I said "what?" and lo and behold, it was my anniversary - we always forget about it until we get an anniversary card from Rejean's mom but we didn't get one this year - 27 years with this character!!! I cooked for the masses yesterday and even made my Italian Bread for the meal - Jenn picked up a cake in town so that was our celebration - that's as far as it goes.
I have to head into town today because our hot water heater finally quit on us yesterday - it was at least 15 years old so it was time. And a plug outside that Jenn has been using for cooking her bacon and stuff also went so I am picking one of those up as well. Tomorrow I head into the Sault to pick up Mitch's quad all fixed up. Busy Busy Busy.

Pictures of the progress of the Big Build with be forthcoming.

See ya Bye


  1. celeghappy anniversary to a great couple-i love you both-sistersue

  2. happy anniversary 25 yrs with Ray deserves more than a cake, here is a big kiss and a hug....good for you both, Ray just a hug noooooo kiss. Eddie
