Wednesday, March 26, 2014


First off I promise that I will not be posting everything I buy for the kids - unless it is something really cute.
We were in the Sault today to get my windshield replaced - stupid stone chip - so there was 3 hours to kill.  Speedy just so happened to be within walking distance to Walmart - good place to shop.  I must have stood in front of the baby clothes for a good 1/2 hour.  I was just so overwhelmed by the selection - everything looked so cute.  I knew it had to be neutral colours because I don't know who the twins are yet.  I began to notice that the majority of the clothing came in 2s or 3s and the little sox came in a 6 pack.  Do newborns really need sox?  What about those little hats.  It is hot in Abu Dhabi all year round but then again, there is the air conditioning.  I never gave the mitts a second look.
The onesies look pretty good for changing diapers - you don't have to take the whole thing off - just undo the bottom.  But won't their little legs get cold?  I will have to look for tights!!  What if they are boys - will Dave let me dress the boys in tights?  These are important questions I need to know the answers to for future shopping trips.
I settled on the collection in the first picture.  Yellow and lime green are neutral and will look good on any baby.
I am starting to feel like a real Grandma.

Rejean just laughed.


  1. I love all your purchases-so cute and very gender neutral-good for you-they will need lots of sleepers or onezie? for the first while.they just sleep and hats are good to keep the heat in their little bodies-gramma sue
