Yes I have recycled an old picture I found in my archives but the sentiment is still the same.
I will be bringing in the New Year over on Axe Lake - it is a pot luck party but the main course is ribs from Windsor that Davey brings up every so often - they are cooked over an open fire and they are delicious. I will be bringing my deviled eggs of course - Linda is making her world famous rice krispie squares (they are perfectly gooey) and I am sure there will be a ton of other goodies. There is always soooooo much food left over, we could continue celebrating for a good couple of days. The forecast is for cloudy with clear breaks and -2 with a wind chill of -7 and light flurries overnite. Right now it is sunny and -1 - beats one year where it was -25!!!! There will be a big bonfire which is where I will be standing all evening with my beverage of choice in my new sippy cup. I bought some glow-in-the-dark necklaces and pendants just so we can find people who have wandered off the property and into the bush. Hopefully they won't have fallen face down ;o)
My 2012 is looking good so far. There is Jodie and Dave's wedding in Canmore in January. We will be finishing the main floor. Another Florida trip is being planned of course. And trips to Windsor with visits to people I missed over the holidays...
I wish you a Safe, Happy and Healthy New Year..
Youth is when you are allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve - middle age is when you are forced to...CHEERS!!
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Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Hard to believe but it is the 30th of December and Rejean hasn't blown any snow yet but we did get some yesterday and last nite so out came the tractor (and a few other things) and he got to try the tractor out. The cab has heat and a stereo system so he is very comfortable. He won't be doing this every time he does the snow but we couldn't resist the first time. With the old tractor, he had to dress up in his snow suit, balaclava, goggles, scarf etc - he looked like the abominable snowman when he was finished. He deserves to be comfortable - and by the look on his face, he is.
See Ya Bye
See Ya Bye
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Back home safe and sound from another whirlwind Christmas vacation down in Windsor and Gorrie. There is never enough time to visit everyone we wanted to but we did get all the visiting in with the family. Christmas Eve is always spent at Lise and Dan's - their house is made for the gathering and does accomodate the masses. We had our Christmas dinner at Marilou's with Stacey and Andrew, Sadie and Rejean's mom. It was delicious. We did the Turkey in a Box - no stress, no mess. Boxing day finished with a visit to Anne and Jame's place where we had Pizza - my favourite. They are in the middle of remodelling their whole main floor and I can say it is beautiful. I even picked up an idea for a wall of stone. There has to be somewhere I can use it.
On the 27th we headed to Gorrie to visit with my sister Susan and her family. She has 2 dogs - Disney and Poop. That is Susan laying on the floor trying to retrieve Disney's ball from under the fridge. Disney smelled the ball under the fridge and would not budge until Susan (or whoever else felt like laying down to look under the fridge for it) retrieved it. Poop (yes that is her real name) is Disney's daughter - Susan kept her when Disney had her puppies a few years ago. AND the beagle is Kloe. For those who know me, I want a beagle named Betty (but that day will never come). Kloe is Troy (Susan's son) and Lindsay's dog who is always over at Susan's to play with Disney and Poop. So this visit I got to get my fill of playing with a beagle and pretending that she was mine. All 3 dogs are fun to be with but, like children, you play with them then return them to their rightful owners.
We got home today and it was a good ride home - a little chilly but no snow to speak of. On Tuesday nite here it was -27 with a wind chill of -41!!! Just a little nippy. I got to see Boots this evening - first time in a long time. Ron fed him while we were away and he said that Boots had his girl friend with him. I think I christened her Ginger. So I gave him some extra so maybe he left some for Ginger.
Now we have to get ready for New Year's Eve on Axe. I am looking forward to that - it is always a good time.
See Ya Bye
On the 27th we headed to Gorrie to visit with my sister Susan and her family. She has 2 dogs - Disney and Poop. That is Susan laying on the floor trying to retrieve Disney's ball from under the fridge. Disney smelled the ball under the fridge and would not budge until Susan (or whoever else felt like laying down to look under the fridge for it) retrieved it. Poop (yes that is her real name) is Disney's daughter - Susan kept her when Disney had her puppies a few years ago. AND the beagle is Kloe. For those who know me, I want a beagle named Betty (but that day will never come). Kloe is Troy (Susan's son) and Lindsay's dog who is always over at Susan's to play with Disney and Poop. So this visit I got to get my fill of playing with a beagle and pretending that she was mine. All 3 dogs are fun to be with but, like children, you play with them then return them to their rightful owners.
We got home today and it was a good ride home - a little chilly but no snow to speak of. On Tuesday nite here it was -27 with a wind chill of -41!!! Just a little nippy. I got to see Boots this evening - first time in a long time. Ron fed him while we were away and he said that Boots had his girl friend with him. I think I christened her Ginger. So I gave him some extra so maybe he left some for Ginger.
Now we have to get ready for New Year's Eve on Axe. I am looking forward to that - it is always a good time.
See Ya Bye
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Just wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas. This is the time of year that should be spent with the ones you love but sometimes it is not always the way things turn out. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we miss the opportunities we planned or hoped would happen. Those people are in our hearts and thoughts constantly. I hope you spend the holidays with the ones you love. I'll be spending Christmas with people I love and thinking about the ones that I can't be with.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Ok. I have lately been afraid to watch this show - not really afraid but anxious - I know I will be on my feet, squirming on the couch, hiding and averting my eyes and yelling things at the tv screen, but I love this show. Every episode leaves me wondering how he is going to get out of this one - and he always does. But last nite's show really did it for me. It was the finale of season 6 with the DDK finally meeting his maker. I knew when he had Dexter's keys that he would make his way to Dexter's home and I knew that it would involve Harrison in some way. You knew that Harrison was going to be taken when Dexter took a phone call and went just outside of the door, taking his eyes off of Harrison. And, I had an incling that DDK was with Dexter at the church - but I never saw Debra seeing Dexter kill him!! What is he going to do now??? You always knew that somehow Debra would find out about Dexter - she has been close a few times but now I think it will change the whole show. They have also introduced a "I am in love with my brother" story line that I really don't like. But we will have to wait and see how it plays out.
If you haven't seen Dexter, please give it a chance - I guarantee you will enjoy this show as much as I do. I think you will have to watch a couple of episodes to get the real gist of the show but once you do, there is no going back.
See Ya Bye
Ok. I have lately been afraid to watch this show - not really afraid but anxious - I know I will be on my feet, squirming on the couch, hiding and averting my eyes and yelling things at the tv screen, but I love this show. Every episode leaves me wondering how he is going to get out of this one - and he always does. But last nite's show really did it for me. It was the finale of season 6 with the DDK finally meeting his maker. I knew when he had Dexter's keys that he would make his way to Dexter's home and I knew that it would involve Harrison in some way. You knew that Harrison was going to be taken when Dexter took a phone call and went just outside of the door, taking his eyes off of Harrison. And, I had an incling that DDK was with Dexter at the church - but I never saw Debra seeing Dexter kill him!! What is he going to do now??? You always knew that somehow Debra would find out about Dexter - she has been close a few times but now I think it will change the whole show. They have also introduced a "I am in love with my brother" story line that I really don't like. But we will have to wait and see how it plays out.
If you haven't seen Dexter, please give it a chance - I guarantee you will enjoy this show as much as I do. I think you will have to watch a couple of episodes to get the real gist of the show but once you do, there is no going back.
See Ya Bye
Thursday, December 15, 2011
We finished the pine and mouldings today - a full 2 days ahead of what we had projected. And it looks great, if I do say so myself. Rejean put one full moulding on top (altho it has a rosette in the middle - we didn't have a piece of pine that long so we had to break it up. The window mouldings come down from the one long one - kind of keeps the set of windows in a group and the small door also has the same design altho there is one 3 sets coming from it. I do have a bit of input into the design but the majority is Rejean's amazing mind at work. He liked the ledges under the windows and he designed the mouldings himself - he has a jointer and a planer and we had all the pine from a few years ago when he and a couple of friends cut some trees down and had the logs milled on site. Lots of oak and lots of pine left. My job is to finish the boards and moldings and fill in the nail holes with the putty. And to hold boards in place while he measures, cuts, measures, nails, measures, hold to see how it looks. And it does look fine.
Now we can concentrate on the holidays coming up...
See Ya Bye
Now we can concentrate on the holidays coming up...
See Ya Bye
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
It has been mild around here for the past few days and our lake is in the process of thawing - which means that it could refreeze smooth enough to skate on - if we don't get snow on it. It has been a very mild December with no snow to speak of.
I put a picture of the big rock in the front yard. We lost a tree next to it and it is quite amazing how much it opened up that area. You can actually see the rock.
I spent the day varathaning all the mouldings that Rejean finished yesterday while I was out shopping with Linda in the Sault. He took off hunting and I stayed home to work. 4 1/2 hours later about 95% of it is complete - the other 5% need more coats of varathane on them. Tomorrow we put them up and then we should be done by the end of the week - right on schedule. I also am in the process of doing my Honey Crystal Almonds - I need some more canning jars to fill up so I'll have get them tomorrow in town. I am a procrastinator and I am right on track to not be done before Christmas...
See Ya Bye
I put a picture of the big rock in the front yard. We lost a tree next to it and it is quite amazing how much it opened up that area. You can actually see the rock.
I spent the day varathaning all the mouldings that Rejean finished yesterday while I was out shopping with Linda in the Sault. He took off hunting and I stayed home to work. 4 1/2 hours later about 95% of it is complete - the other 5% need more coats of varathane on them. Tomorrow we put them up and then we should be done by the end of the week - right on schedule. I also am in the process of doing my Honey Crystal Almonds - I need some more canning jars to fill up so I'll have get them tomorrow in town. I am a procrastinator and I am right on track to not be done before Christmas...
See Ya Bye
The Wharncliffe Citizen's Committee received a cheque for $1000 today from Scotiabank!!!! It is in recognition of my volunteer activities and support of the worthy causes in my community. It is the second time I have applied for the funding and the second time my application has been approved.
I worked at Scotiabank for 30 years and to know that they will still support me in my efforts in my community is very encouraging. In today's economy, it is difficult to find the resources to support a cause other than your own. Time is precious. I feel that the Wharncliffe Community Hall and Fire Team are worthy of my efforts. As I've said before, it is the hardest work I have ever done but the most satisfying.
Volunteering is good for the soul...
I worked at Scotiabank for 30 years and to know that they will still support me in my efforts in my community is very encouraging. In today's economy, it is difficult to find the resources to support a cause other than your own. Time is precious. I feel that the Wharncliffe Community Hall and Fire Team are worthy of my efforts. As I've said before, it is the hardest work I have ever done but the most satisfying.
Volunteering is good for the soul...
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
It has been pretty cold and we really haven't had a lot of snow - and our lake has frozen over 3 times. Right now the whole lake is frozen and smooth as, well, ice!! John and Linda were over yesterday and John tried to walk on it (he is our indicator that it is safe to go out on the ice - he is the first to try the ice). It cracked as soon as he set foot on it - he held on to our dock. But that was yesterday and it was really cold last nite so today I tried it. I got out to about 4 feet from shore hanging on to the dock and I chickened out to go any further. Rejean was inside and I don't think he would have heard me YELL. I wish it was safe because you would be able to skate all over the lake on the smooth ice. That would be fun!!! Once it snows, it is never the same. It goes mush or bumpy - now would be the perfect time to really freeze deep. I'll cross my fingers it lasts...
See Ya Bye
See Ya Bye
We are starting work on the main floor - finally. We got all the pine up this week and our goal is to have all the windows and doors framed by the end of next week. And by the way this week went, it is a real possibility we will get it done. I have my dining table all picked out and we know what we want for the "entertainment" area. I already have my beautiful leather chair from Stacey and Andrew and we are hopefully getting a couch from Jenn and Steve that will go perfect with the chair. And I will either use my rocker or get a Club chair. We have the floor and we know what the ceiling will look like. The bar area is next. We have the bar chairs, the laminate for the bar top, a gas stove, dish washer, double sink and the rest is easy to get. Looks like this room could be done (except the actual bar) by spring!!!! The bar will be next winter's project - then - my sauna!!! And the list goes on and on and on...
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Saturday is dump day around here and it is my job to take our garbage to the dump. I have mentioned before that we have a structure at the dump where people leave their things they no longer want but are too good to just dispose of. I always poke around in there - you never know what you will find - there is even a joke that you know you are a red neck when you go home from the dump with more than you took. Guilty!!! Well today I picked this baby up for the hall. It is a Black and Decker Food Processor. I told Dave who mans the dump that if it didn't work, I would keep my receipt and return it ;o) But it works like a charm - just like new. I also picked up 2 big stacks of magazines to read - I have cancelled all my magazine subscriptions because I just don't have the time to read them so why waste my money (besides, I am cheap). So today, I am a redneck.
AND it is snowing today. We have been having trouble with the road conditions lately - the new company hired to take care of the highway is only doing the bare bones - we have had 2 snowfalls and 2 accidents!!! Our MP is aware of the problem and is working on a solution. the ride to the dump was a bit harrowing but the snow plow passed me going north so at least they are out. But it is beginning to look a lot like winter...and Christmas...
See Ya Bye
AND it is snowing today. We have been having trouble with the road conditions lately - the new company hired to take care of the highway is only doing the bare bones - we have had 2 snowfalls and 2 accidents!!! Our MP is aware of the problem and is working on a solution. the ride to the dump was a bit harrowing but the snow plow passed me going north so at least they are out. But it is beginning to look a lot like winter...and Christmas...
See Ya Bye
Midnight Madness hits Thessalon and what a night it was. I have never seen so many people in downtown Thessalon - almost every store was open and crowded. The picture above is of the Lovely Ladies of ForestLand - my favourite store in Thessalon. I never leave there without something - they have everything and last night was no exception. I love their outfits. The only thing missing was someone holding a helium filled balloon at the end of the line to indicate where it was because they were lined up with their purchasers. Every store was like that. The firemen had a big bonfire going and the Peppermill had hotdogs and fries and roasted chestnuts. There were carolers. We ate at the Sinton - they had their Friday nite fish fry but they had tons of other stuff as well. Even Beggs Funeral Home hosted an art show - it is brand new and I have never been inside so it was a perfect opportunity to check it out - you never know when you will need something like that. There was a hockey tournament going on at the arena and the curling club had their wing nite. Tina's on Main had a surf and turf going on.
It was fun to be downtown last nite...
It was fun to be downtown last nite...
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Just a snowy afternoon and I got to thinking about one of the best renditions of Let's Stay Together I have ever heard and seen - it is on UTube from the 2009 Grammy awards I think. If you need an afternoon pick me up, check it out. Keith Urban and Boyz II Men are backups.
Betcha you can't stay in your seat...
Betcha you can't stay in your seat...
We do!! We were watching Canada AM and they did a segment on great techy gifts for under $50 and one of the items was the MicroSoft LifeCam HD3000 for $34.99 so, when we were in the Sault the other day, we picked one up at Future Shop. Jodie had been after Rejean to get one and Joanne and Mitch have one (as you can see above)and I know Stacey and Andrew have the technology, so after it was installed last nite, we called Jodie and Dave and had a great visit (I now know you should have a cocktail in hand during one of these chats - Dave had a Guinness and Jodie had a beer - we were beveregeless but I made sure we had a beer going for the next chat with Joanne and Mitch). I also know that we need another chair in the computer room if we are going to both talk - I was squatting down and after 1/2 hour, it gets a bit tough. AND you have to be wearing the correct clothes, have combed your hair, cleaned your house in the area in front of the screen that can be seen on Skype etc. etc. Probably after a few more usages, I will let those rules slide a bit - except the clothing ones.
It was money well spent - we had a lot of fun for just a little bit of money...I recommend it.
See Ya Bye
It was money well spent - we had a lot of fun for just a little bit of money...I recommend it.
See Ya Bye
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