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Monday, March 31, 2014
Well the snow is coming down. Last nite at about 8:30 we were downstairs watching tv when we heard the noise. Like thunder and we both watched as the snow just came a'tumbling down from the roof at the front of the house. We decided to clean it up when it was soft - it took about an hour but would have taken twice as long the following day. And today I was on the computer at about 2pm when I heard a crack then nothing then watched as a wall of snow fell feet away from me outside the window. It took out all our little cedars - it snapped them in half!! Amazing to see and hear. It rattled my dishes and I could feel the house move. I would not have wanted to be under all that snow. The snow also came off Stacey and Andrews roof facing our place. We are just waiting for the garage roof to let go. I have parked my car in the driveway beyond the garage to block any cars coming up the drive. I would not want anyone to be driving or walking by that and it let go. Instant death. I run by when I am getting the mail. It has to come down sooner or later...
We have a little visitor - a fluffy raccoon is feeding as I type this. He must have just woken up as we have been having a few nice days and he is probably hungry. He is finding a few seeds out there but not many as my little squirrels are very efficient. He tried to get at the suet holder and I just got him climbing back down. He is fun to watch but I hope he doesn't stick around.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
One day we had 8 inches of fresh new snow and the next day, it was spring. It happened that fast. Today was beautiful - sunny, no breeze and +10C. I was working with no hat or coat on shovelling snow off the roof. The sweet sound of melting snow and shovels chipping channels for the water to flow away from the house. There is still a ton of snow out there as you can see in the pictures. In the third picture you can see how deep the "wall" is around our front yard.
And after all our work was done, we enjoyed a cold beer in the sun.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
First off I promise that I will not be posting everything I buy for the kids - unless it is something really cute.
We were in the Sault today to get my windshield replaced - stupid stone chip - so there was 3 hours to kill. Speedy just so happened to be within walking distance to Walmart - good place to shop. I must have stood in front of the baby clothes for a good 1/2 hour. I was just so overwhelmed by the selection - everything looked so cute. I knew it had to be neutral colours because I don't know who the twins are yet. I began to notice that the majority of the clothing came in 2s or 3s and the little sox came in a 6 pack. Do newborns really need sox? What about those little hats. It is hot in Abu Dhabi all year round but then again, there is the air conditioning. I never gave the mitts a second look.
The onesies look pretty good for changing diapers - you don't have to take the whole thing off - just undo the bottom. But won't their little legs get cold? I will have to look for tights!! What if they are boys - will Dave let me dress the boys in tights? These are important questions I need to know the answers to for future shopping trips.
I settled on the collection in the first picture. Yellow and lime green are neutral and will look good on any baby.
I am starting to feel like a real Grandma.
Rejean just laughed.
Monday, March 24, 2014
…like ears and sox and panda bears
But best of all are sets of twins
With extra laughter and double grins*
For the longest time I had my dearest Sadie as my Fur Grand Child and we so enjoyed our times together. She taught me how to be a Grandma and I spoiled her when I could as that is what Grandparents are supposed to do.
Well now we can put that experience to good use because we have great news from Jodie and Dave. They are expecting - are you ready for this - twins!!!
Mother and Father and Babies are doing fine - we have seen 2 scans already but will see many more as extra care and monitoring is needed with a multiple birth. We know that they will be identical so they will either be 2 boys or 2 girls. We are both "chuffed to bits" with the news as well as Dave's parents, Tish and Jim in England and Mary-Lou in Windsor I think that means "thrilled to bits" as Tish used that phrase in her email.
I am sure there is a trip to Abu Dhabi in our near future.
And I get to share this exciting experience with my sister Susan as her son Kyle and his girlfriend Marlorie are expecting twins as well. What are the chances? Jodie and Malorie are due within a week of each other so it will be exciting to hear of each family's amazing journey.
These children will be loved.
*author unknown
borrowed from the Internet
But best of all are sets of twins
With extra laughter and double grins*
For the longest time I had my dearest Sadie as my Fur Grand Child and we so enjoyed our times together. She taught me how to be a Grandma and I spoiled her when I could as that is what Grandparents are supposed to do.
Well now we can put that experience to good use because we have great news from Jodie and Dave. They are expecting - are you ready for this - twins!!!
Mother and Father and Babies are doing fine - we have seen 2 scans already but will see many more as extra care and monitoring is needed with a multiple birth. We know that they will be identical so they will either be 2 boys or 2 girls. We are both "chuffed to bits" with the news as well as Dave's parents, Tish and Jim in England and Mary-Lou in Windsor I think that means "thrilled to bits" as Tish used that phrase in her email.
I am sure there is a trip to Abu Dhabi in our near future.
And I get to share this exciting experience with my sister Susan as her son Kyle and his girlfriend Marlorie are expecting twins as well. What are the chances? Jodie and Malorie are due within a week of each other so it will be exciting to hear of each family's amazing journey.
These children will be loved.
*author unknown
borrowed from the Internet
Sunday, March 23, 2014
We are very, very pleased with the results and Rejean finally has his bar.
I feed the little red squirrels around my house all winter. They usually stay separated as they really don't get along and when they are this close they really keep their eyes on each other. I watched these two outside the window - the one on the left was eating and chirping at the other one. The other one just ignored him and ate like there was no tomorrow. All of a sudden they both stopped, looked at each other and then started scuffling - that's the blur in the last picture. One, I don't know which one, was left standing and continued eating as tho nothing had happened. My entertainment.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Monday, March 17, 2014
I stayed home to help with the bar - I was planning a trip to Windsor but I was needed in the garage to help with the construction - 4 hands are better than 2. My main job was to apply the coats of varathane, sanding then the finishing coat to all the oak pieces. Today I held pieces in place, helped carry boards etc. It is all coming together to be one beautiful piece of furniture.
The top picture is part of the work area - the top right is where the microwave will be placed - in the area below that is where the empty beer cases will be stored. To the top left is for the stereo and beneath that is for the recycle boxes. Lights are installed as well to illuminate the work surfaces. Drawers and cupboards will be installed on the left hand side of the bar.
The next picture is of the front of the bar showing the raised panel sections separated by the ridged boards.
And then the coup de grace, the top rail which will be placed on the top front and side of the bar. Then the foot rails will complete the bar.
I may have to break my no drinking during the week rule to have a celebratory drink once it is finished but I think that is still a few days away. Still a lot of work to do.
Rick predicted March 16th, 2014 at 3:15 pm and Susan predicted March 17th, 2014 at 3:15 pm. Well, it is still up there as you can see from my pictures I took late this afternoon. I took my life in my hand taking the first picture. I had to stand right underneath it. If it had gone, so would I have. It was bitterly cold today - this morning it was -25 and I hear that another system is moving into the area tomorrow and Wednesday bringing about 15 more cm of the white stuff. Will it ever end?
Thursday, March 13, 2014
The excitement had barely time to die down when my dear sister Susan found out she is going to be a Grandma again... and again.
She is going to need more arms!!!
Kyle and Malorie announced that they are expecting TWINS in September!!
So Susan has gone from thinking she was never going to be a Grandma to 3 grandchildren in 1 year.
I wonder if she knows how to knit…
Congratulations to everyone!!!!
She is going to need more arms!!!
Kyle and Malorie announced that they are expecting TWINS in September!!
So Susan has gone from thinking she was never going to be a Grandma to 3 grandchildren in 1 year.
I wonder if she knows how to knit…
Congratulations to everyone!!!!
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Saturday, March 8, 2014
A great big welcome to little Aubrey , my sister Susan's first grandchild.
Can't wait to meet her!!
Congratulations to everyone!!!!
Can't wait to meet her!!
Congratulations to everyone!!!!
OK - I am officially afraid to walk beside the garage for fear that I will be buried alive in the snow - I tell Rejean that I am going to get the mail so he will know to come and dig me out if it falls just after I have left. By this time in past years, the snow has come off of all the roofs but not this year. It hasn't warmed up enough so that the "slides" can begin. That is one winter's worth of snow up there folks!! And when it decides to come down, it will rock the garage. We have a steel roof so when it starts, get out of the way. I am worried about the wood shed being pushed over the side of the hill. It will for sure block our driveway until we can get the tractor out and clean it up.
So….any bets as to when it's going to come down? I will keep you posted and get a picture of it down. Hopefully I will be on top of the snow instead of under it :o\
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
I had been looking for a good deal on one of these and I found it the other day at the Home Hardware in Thessalon. At my last get together, poor Doug had to wait over 20 minutes for a cup of coffee - I had to run upstairs and make it, wait for it to perk, carry the cup downstairs along with sugar and cream. There had to be a better way. Well now Doug and anyone else can have an almost instant cup of coffee - or tea or hot chocolate etc. I now have the technology...
Sunday, March 2, 2014
What a great day for a party for a great man - it was Len's surprise 90th birthday party held at the Hall organized by Keith, a very proud son.
Len, together with his wife Pat, ran the Tunnel Lake Trading Post before Keith took over. Keith had big shoes to fill for sure. Pat gave the biggest scoops of ice cream ever and Len always made you feel more than welcome at the store. Pat passed away a few years ago and Len has stayed active and just recently moved into an apartment in town from his home on Cummings. The drives were getting to be a bit much for him and this winter has been especially hard. He is safe in town.
We saw Len at the Legion fish fry on Friday night and I almost gave the surprise away but managed to hold my tongue. Len likes to go out to the local functions. He is a source to be reckoned with and quite the ladies man. We have given him the nick name of "The Chic Magnet" and he gets such a thrill when we call him that. He is always the gentleman and always dressed to the nines. He is a dear man and I am very happy to call him my friend.
There was a very large turnout at the Hall and he was surprised - you have to be careful with surprising anyone as old as 90 but he must have known something was up with all the cars in the parking lot. It kind of cushioned the surprise. Everyone came out to party with Len. He is a member of the local choir and the other members showed up to sing Happy Birthday and For He's A jolly Good Fellow to him. It brought tears to my eyes.
What a great way to spend a cold, sunny Sunday afternoon - with good friends...
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