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Thursday, January 30, 2014
There was a break in the Polar Vortex so we decided to hit the groomed trails today for a trip to Iron Bridge. First we had to dig out Ron's trailer to transport the machines to the Post where we would catch the trail. Thank goodness the snow was light and fluffy because the trailer was buried deep. We got the machines loaded and then headed to the Post where Keith came out to visit and allowed us to park the truck and trailer in his yard. Thanks Keith!! The trails were deserted as it was during the week - we only met 5 other riders on the trail. It was a great ride and the trails were perfect. It wasn't that cold out and we were all dressed for the occasion. We arrived in Iron Bridge and had some hot soup and food at the 4 Aces restaurant. On the way home we rode around to where the deer congregate and spotted some. They just look up at you and wonder what you are looking at and then go back to eating. They all look so fluffy with their winter coats on. We saw more on the trail back home. We got back to the Post just before it really started snowing and blowing - which it is doing right now. I got to drive about 1/4 way home and I really enjoyed it. You are much warmer driving as the windshield protects you, the hand warmers keep your hands nice and warm and your feet are warmed by the engine. Looks like it will be a fight to see who gets to drive on the next excursion. Or maybe I'll just get my own...
See Ya Bye
Monday, January 27, 2014
Went to town today and dropped some mail off at the Post Office. I noticed a pile of notices on the counter and picked one up to read when I had the time.
It was information on Canada Post's new tiered stamp pricing.
Today, a stamp is .63cents to mail a 0-30 g letter mailed within Canada.
Starting March 1st, 2014 booklets and coils of stamps will cost - are you ready - .85 cents!!!
AND if you buy just a single stamp, it will cost you $1.00. Yes, you read that right. $1.00 for a single stamp that today costs .63 cents.
Sounds to me that they are pricing themselves right out of business. In my opinion.
Time to stock up on stamps!!
It was information on Canada Post's new tiered stamp pricing.
Today, a stamp is .63cents to mail a 0-30 g letter mailed within Canada.
Starting March 1st, 2014 booklets and coils of stamps will cost - are you ready - .85 cents!!!
AND if you buy just a single stamp, it will cost you $1.00. Yes, you read that right. $1.00 for a single stamp that today costs .63 cents.
Sounds to me that they are pricing themselves right out of business. In my opinion.
Time to stock up on stamps!!
Thursday, January 23, 2014
We have been in the "polar vortex" for a few weeks now and we have been going thru a lot of wood. One of my daily chores is to keep the wood box and stand filled with wood. I fill my wheelbarrow and park it by the door and carry the wood to the wood stand in the workout room. That way I keep the floors clean. And the way we have been burning wood, I have to top it up every day. I am in no danger of running out of wood because I can always "borrow" some from Rejean's wood shed. Keeps me busy and keeps the place warm.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
More cold weather to deal with. Our local weather girl, Kim, reported that the temp at her house this morning was -36 and her house was creaking. It only hit -30 this morning here but my car registered, after sitting in the sun, -31!!! I got a picture of Cummings from the turnoff just before the dump. There were no ice fishermen out there today probably because it is Tuesday but come the weekend, they will be out in force. I got another picture of my waterfall out on the highway. Every year they are there and I never cease to be amazed by them.
But one good thing came out of today. I booked our Girl's Florida trip today. I got a good price so I decided to take advantage of it. After a frenzied afternoon of emailing and trying to get 4 girls to commit, it was done. Let the count down begin...
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Our next project is to finish the bar downstairs and our first purchase was some new bar stools from Costco - ordered and delivered to the Post - the only way to shop up here. I picked up the cartons from Keith's and stored them in the finishing room in the garage. This afternoon, I decided to put one together.
I opened one of the cartons and took the pieces out and compared what I had to the list provided by the manufacturer - I thought they had shorted me one washer but discovered it stuck to one of the other washers. I was good to go. They supplied the allen wrench (?) which I found to be a pain in the ass. There were spaces that just didn't allow for full movement in the tightening of the screws. I opened a beer and took my time. Because of the time it took me to tighten the screws I was done in about an hour and a half. I loaded it up into the back of my car and took it up to the house to see what it looked like in the bar area. The jury is still out on whether I like it a lot or not. The wood has a cherry color to it where as the bar is a more brown color. I like matching stuff but on the other hand, it kind of gives it a contrast that I am beginning to like. And they are comfortable and they swivel. I only completed one chair in case I (or we) decide to return them for a different style.
What do you guys think? Are they a keeper or should I go for something different?
Friday, January 17, 2014
But it is a beautiful time of year up here. I don't think there is a bad time of year up here...
-just bought a few tunes on I-Tunes - some good ole Anita Baker, LTD, the Isley Brothers, Luther and even some Hannah Montana or Miley - I enjoy The Climb.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
I really don't mind the snow - it is a fact of life living up here but I wish the weather reports would get it right. They called for 1 to 2 cm the other day and it snowed all day long and we woke up to this this morning. They weren't calling for this much snow. We got it all cleared and are waiting for the next system to move in to the area this afternoon or this evening.
The sun is out right now and the beauty of it kind of makes you forget what a pain in the ass it is at times.
See Ya Bye
Monday, January 13, 2014
The only one who hasn't tried to claim the money I found in my pocket was Deb but I am sure she will give it a good try as well. Joanne claims it was the money she asked me to hold for her and Susan says it was hers when she went to the liquor store for the 12th time. But I know it was mine. I distinctly remember putting that money in my pocket...I think.
Forever a mystery. But possession is 9/10th of the law - finders keepers losers weepers etc etc...
Forever a mystery. But possession is 9/10th of the law - finders keepers losers weepers etc etc...
Sunday, January 12, 2014
One of the best feelings in the world (notice I said ONE of the best) is finding forgotten money in a pocket of your clothes. I was getting some clothes ready for an upcoming vacation when I found a grand total of $53 US dollars in the pocket of a pair of shorts that I had worn in Florida. I usually empty my pockets of money before I take them off but evidently this was missed. I will add these bills to my money jar and spend it wisely (*_*)
Monday, January 6, 2014
Doneski!! After 13 years we finally got the stairway finished. We wanted it to be one of the last things and it was. We were going to get oak steps but decided to just sand down the pine that has been there since we built the place and put birch veneer on the kick plate. They sanded down real nice and then we applied a stain and 5 coats of varathane. Rejean added a few trim pieces and then put the titanium stair nosing. We are very pleased with the results.
It looks dark heading downstairs and light when heading upstairs.
Now...the bar.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
I had 3 Christmas dinners while in Windsor and Gorrie over the holidays so I don't want to look at food for a while. The first picture of the rose was taken at Shen Shen's in Windsor - Pierre and Rejean and I took everyone out for dinner (except Anne who was sick) to show our appreciation for all the hard work they had done on Claire's condo after the flood. A private joke between Pierre and I. You can see a few of us relaxing after the dinner at the condo after all the repairs had been done - it is beautiful and she loves it. A good job was done by all. Next is a picture of the new bathroom which I like a lot better than the old one.
Then the picture of Maya, a little schnauzer who you met this fall. She was all dressed up in her Martha Stewart Christmas dress - she wore it well. I gave the "kids" a game for Christmas that involves stacking wooden pieces then trying to remove one without the stack falling. As you can see the adults got into it while the kids enjoyed their devices.
Next is my name indicating my place at Lise's Christmas dinner and it was delicious. then there is Claire next to Lise's beautiful tree.
The final picture is of my sister Susan's kids. From the left - Troy, Shelley and Kyle and you can just make out Sadie's tail in the right hand corner. I had another Christmas dinner with them on Saturday and then, finally, we came home.
Now to rest up for next Christmas...
Woke up to this glorious number this morning!!! I had to run into town today and I hit -32 on the way. Thessalon was a balmy -24!! But at least it was sunny and no snow as I hear Windsor got a lot of today but ours is on the way this weekend. Looks like a stay in the house kind of weekend...
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Yes kids, another year over and a new one has just begun. We brought in the New Year, as usual, on Axe Lake. I made my deviled eggs for the pot luck dinner that was being served at approximately 7pm. We headed over at 6:15 to get all set up. I brought some Margaritas to drink (even tho it was a Tuesday, I made an exception to my drinking rule). The weather called for a very cold evening and it hit the -25 mark as called for (but we woke up this morning to -30!!) We bundled up. I had on a t-shirt, turtleneck sweater and a sweater then my snowmobile pants. Thick sox and my big boots. Then my fur hat, alpaca mittens in my bigger mitts and finally my work down coat. I could hardly move!! I felt like the Pilsbury dough girl. As long as you were by the fire you were fine. But we ate in Joy and Arnold's garage. And what a feast - as you can see by the roaster full of ribs, and sausage. There was chili, my eggs, meat pies, buns, dips, cheese and fruit trays and meatballs. We were a small group last nite - no kids or teenagers. Darlene made the decorations - you would be surprised what can be done with duct tape :o) The final picture is of Daisy, Ron and Darlene's little dog - a cross between a bichon frise and a sheltie - what a great combination.
I was home and in bed by 12:30...
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