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Friday, August 14, 2009


That's my b-i-l Mitch from Calgary in the yellow jacket, all geared up to do some stream fishing when they were here last week. He really enjoyed it and he will have his very own ultra light rod and reel for next year. They did very well - everyone got their limits - I blogged about that last week but didn't have this picture to go with it - it was in the other camera. The top picture is a nice brookie caught by Rick, in the second picture. Rejean and Rick headed out today and that is their catch in the bottom picture. We had a good meal of brook trout, salad and fries - a perfect up north meal (altho Sierra wasn't too keen on the fish). It is my favourite kind of fishing - on the streams with ultra light gear. Especially when you get a good size one. And not many people do that kind of fishing so we get the good spots all to ourselves.
Sierra and I were out in the kayaks today and I found out where Jacques has been - he has been missing for the past few days. I saw a dead bass and I believe it to be Jacques. It was big enough and it explains why he hasn't been around. Maybe he choked on that brook trout that slipped out of Jack's hand. But, hard to believe, there is another fish around the rock that has been eating the worms that I throw out. There is always one to take each other's place. I don't know if I will be teaching him to take a worm from my fingers - it is late in the year and I don't think I will get into that.
Tomorrow is the Buck and Doe for only 125 people - not a problem. We will prepare the food and take it to the hall in Bruce Mines, serve it at 11pm then wait and clean up. We'll see how much money we make for the hall - we may be in the catering business after all. I'll let you know how it goes.
See Ya By

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