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Saturday, April 3, 2010


After my trip into town for stuff, I got home and Rejean said Ron and Mary called and invited us to go visit the camp they are thinking of buying. Twist my arm. We loaded up the 4 wheelers and met them at their house. We were on the road shortly after that. They have a sport ut - a two person 4 wheeler. We got to a spot and unloaded the quads and took off up the path. I won't mention where it is but it is a good trip into the camp. I remember being at that spot about 25 years ago. We brought our fishing rods but we didn't have any worms - Rejean got a couple of hits using a jig and a twister tail and I had a small red spinner. The water was 50 degrees - a bit cool but we did see either a rainbow or a speck trying to jump up the little waterfall. You don't see that every day. As usual Ron and Mary brought a picnic - ham, pickles, carrots, radishes, chips and crackers - I brought some rice krispie squares Linda made me. All the furniture in the camp are all made out of logs and branches - very study and comfortable. It is a beautiful camp

and I have all my fingers and toes and everything else that can be crossed crossed and hope they get it. And it rained!!! It hasn't rained or snowed in months up here and it rained when we were in the camp. We had to high tail it back to the vehicles, load up and on our way. We passed a small truck in the ditch which wasn't there on our way in - we stopped but there was no one in it. It looked like the person was living in the truck. He must have hitched a ride into town - but by the looks of the truck I don't know whether he can afford to get it hauled out and repaired.

Tomorrow Linda has invited us over for Easter dinner. Actually she is feeding the masses - there will be 11 of us. She has a 15 pound turkey and I had bought a small ham I was going to cook for Rejean and I - I'll also make my devilled eggs that John loves so much. There will be John and Linda, Rejean and myself, Randy and Robin and their friend Donna, Joy and Arnold and Bob and Clarence, their neighbour - Toby the black lab will also be in attendance. let the party begin....

See Ya Bye

ps - it was Linda who put the tiger by our front door!!! I apologize to Roger for blaming him.

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