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Friday, January 13, 2012


It was a little nippy here today - we finally have some winter weather - snow and cold.  It got me thinking about a nice warm day and kayaking down the river with Jenn and Steve in July of 2009.  Steve and Rejean were in the canoe and Jenn and I were in the kayaks.  That is the tip of my kayak you see.  As I remember it was a very enjoyable day. 
Tomorrow we are having a fish fry - Kenny had some fish that he wanted to get rid of and we are hosting the partay.  We'll have the burn barrel going out front to keep us warm.  Should be fun.  I'll take some pictures...


Anonymous said...

a little nippy, did you see what is expected out west over the next couple of weeks Something like minus 41 degrees, now that will be nippy. How many more sleeps?

Anonymous said...

enjoy i am up and running but extremely slow in learning this new computer i need alot of lessons-sistersue

Anonymous said...

Welcome back sistersue, Happy New Year