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Thursday, September 20, 2018


What a fun time we had with Roger and Ute at their lake house on Ute's birthday.  She had a Raclette dinner party.  I had never heard of this and thought it was a kind of fondue.  It was better!!
There were so many different cheeses to choose from along with shrimp and ham, mushrooms and pineapple, onions and peppers.  It got off to a slow start I think because we all were no too sure of what to do but by the end of the dinner we were all experts.  People were stealing other people's shrimps and reaching across each other to ensure they got the food they were after.  I had my doubts about Mitch having enough to eat but he was pretty full by the end of the meal as we all were.
We barely made it out to the beach for the sunset and instead of candles, Ute got fireworks on her birthday.
A good time was had by all.  Good friends, family and food and drink - not necessarily in that order.

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