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Tuesday, January 8, 2019


We never went outside yesterday and the wind howled and the snow blew sideways all day long.  Nice to watch from inside where it was warm and cozy.  We watched it piling up and knew we would have a big job ahead of us today.  We got approximately 12 inches and I know some people got over 14 inches.  It was a big system!
It took Rejean over 3 hours to do the driveway - it is 0 degrees out so the snow is a bit heavy and wet so you have to take your time.
There are drifts on the lake from all that wind yesterday - very pretty to look at.

I walked out to the highway and found that it had been plowed and it was actually in good shape considering what we have seen on other days.  I got a picture of my "church organ pipes" along the highway.  Every year this forms from water flowing over the rocks in the same place near our driveway.  Very pretty.

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