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Tuesday, August 13, 2019


It was a beautiful day yesterday, for kayaking on the river.  Twelve of us met at LaFoe and headed downstream.  Everyone except Shane was fishing and a number of fish were caught - one walleye and the rest were bass.  I caught two - one smaller and one BIG.  Always fun to fight them and then net them in a kayak.  Mitch had his new fishing kayak out and it seemed to handle great.  He is tall and this kayak had a good seat on it that kept him comfortable.  The river was down and we did hit some spots that you had to step out of the kayak and move to deeper water.  One fellow had a great big sombrero and had tunes going all the way down the river.  It was fun to be beside him when a good song was playing.
Everyone just went at their own pace and it took us about 5 hours to cover the distance.  We had an incident at the end where you are supposed to stop because any further and you are on your way to Tunnel Lake - about 22 miles down river.  Well, just say that someone who should have known to stop, didn't.  2 other people followed him down the river.  I saw them going but it was too far away to yell at them to stop.  Long story short, we "rescued" them up at Snowshoe about an hour later.  We had to strap the kayaks to a four wheeler to get them up to the road.  This will be a story that will live on and on.  AND to add insult to injury, Rejean injured his finger and we found out today that it is a torn tendon and that he needs surgery to fix it.

I have been negligent in keeping up with my blogging but it has been a busy few months.  Joanne and I were in Abu Dhabi for 3 weeks then we had Charlie and Monty here for 3 weeks and then trying to catch up with our regular chores.  I have lots of pictures to share of my adventures in the next few weeks.  Stay tuned...

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