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Saturday, October 17, 2020


We had some snow yesterday morning and the highway was very slippery.  A chip truck heading south on highway 129 didn't make the turn at the bottom of the hill just before the Axe Lake Road.  Locals know this is a steep hill with a good turn at the bottom so we know to take it easy.  The driver of that big rig should have known better.  Instead of taking the turn, he just went straight onto the clearing beside the turnoff.  There has been a number of accidents over the years at this exact same site.  One was a fatality unfortunately.  Even when we are stopped on the Axe Lake Road and Highway 129 waiting to turn left towards home, if we see a truck coming down the hill, we back up just in case he doesn't make it.  Even in the good weather.  They get some speed on that hill.  

It took some major tow trucks to get the trailer righted.  They had to unload the chips and right now there is a big pile of chips on the clearing.  I don't know if they are going to try and load what they can onto another truck or just level the chips.  I wouldn't mind a trailer full of those for the trails and gardens around here.  I will just have to wait and see.

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