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Sunday, April 10, 2016


Last nite was the annual Owl Count so Ute and Ginny met at my house at five and off we went.  We were missing our fourth Hooter, Mary, who moved away but she was with us in spirit.  We headed up 129 to the Aubrey Falls Trading Post for dinner before the actual count started.  We met the newest addition to the Post - Jackson, the Bearded Dragon.  He is beautiful - a vibrant shade of orange and he feels like sandpaper.  He likes being handled and didn't mind all the attention he got from us.  He posed for pictures and then tried to make a dash for freedom when put down to walk across the floor.  Funny to see him run.  He lives in a terrarium in their main dining room so if you get a chance drop by and say hi and have lunch or dinner or breakfast.  Support the Locals!!
It was cold to say the least last nite -8 when we started and ended at -10.  Ute and Ginny heard a Great Grey Owl on one of our first stops but I must have been facing the wrong way to hear him.  That was about it for owl encounters.  We did see big wolf tracks and where he peed on a bush - that was neat.  But the highlight of the evening was how clear it was and all the stars out - we saw the space station whip by and Ute and Ginny saw a shooting star.  I missed it.  It was fun just being out and about with the girls.  Maybe next year we will hear more owls...

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