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Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Finally started on the double bunk of wood we got last fall.  With Rick's help we had quite the production line going.  Rick drove the tractor and I was responsible for placing the hook onto the logs and walking it over to the saw horse contraption and Rejean marked it in 16" sections and blocked it with the chainsaw.  We got a good amt done.  By the time Rick and I returned with a new log, Rejean had finished sawing and tossing the logs into the pile and was ready for our log.
I only bumped my head once on the bucket and the next time Rejean will lengthen the chain on the hook so I will have a little more room under the bucket when placing the hooks on the log.  Hard on the back!!
I figure another 5 days and we should have it all blocked and ready to split.

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