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Monday, November 18, 2013


I woke up today to no power - Rejean was awake at 3am and it was out then.  I called first thing and they said it should be 10am before power would be restored - and, just for the record, it was more like 11:30am.  Some powerful wind gusts last nite and into this morning driving rain and eventually snow.  And to top it all off, our beaver dam breached. The lake levels are extremely high and with all the rain last nite, it was bound to happen.  It is an old dam and is maintained by all the resident beavers throughout the years.  I wasn't worried about it totally breaking but with all the water flowing over, it was causing problems at the culvert by the road - as you can see in the second photo.  That culvert is not supposed to be underwater!!!  There was a section of our lane way that was about 6 inches away from being underwater.  I suggested berming with traprock but thank goodness it did not get that far.  The water receded as the lake levels went down from the overflow at the beaver dam.  It is a vicious cycle.
It is going to be a snowy winter according to the locals - I wonder what spring will look like...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How is that dam holding up ?