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Saturday, April 12, 2014


There are still some die hard fishermen out on Cummings - they say the ice is still ok but I wouldn't be out there.  And it still snowed earlier this evening…
The next picture shows just how low I am getting on wood and kindling - that's it.  But I know where I can get some more - just down the driveway.  I am hoping that I won't have to do that.  It has been a long cold winter.
And there is a new project going on that involves trusses.  Ron is an amazing friend who is very knowledgeable about just about anything and he helped Rejean with the trusses.  I timed them and it took 6 minutes to put one together - we needed 11 altogether.  Of course they had pre-cut all the pieces they needed before they started assembling them.  We are going to put a roof on our garden structure and enclose it in thick plastic.  Our tomatoes and cucumbers don't do very in the existing garden so we are going to try this.
That's it for today.

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