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Monday, December 3, 2012


We were on our way over to John and Linda's on Sunday and I spotted this beauty right along side of the highway perched on a hydro pole.  I didn't have my camera with me so I turned around and headed back home to get it - what have I said before - Never Leave Home Without It.  Luckily for me he was still there by the time we got back and Rejean took this and a few more beautiful pictures of him.  He is a Barred Owl and he was beautiful.  You don't often see them in broad day light out in the open like this.  He was just looking for lunch - he was not bothered by us at all.  He kept his eyes on us the whole  time.  And he swivelled his head around completely when we first spotted him.  Amazing!!

You will notice I have the ability to post pictures again.  I had to buy extra storage in order to do this.  It was either that or delete some of my older posts but I just couldn't do that.  Every post is an event in one day in my life that I choose to share.  I can't erase those.

See Ya Bye

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