Rejean gets a few magazines that deal with wood stuff and remodelling and construction info. The last issue had a picture of a coffered drop ceiling. It is something he has thought about doing to the main floor ceiling for a long time. We are almost upon that time and lo and behold, the picture was in the issue. There wasn't a lot of info accompanying the picture - just a man's name and home town. We searched the magazine's web site but there was nothing about this installation. I said I would search on the computer and I found him. I got his name and address and phone number. It was right there on google. So much for privacy. But without google, I never would have found him.
I called him and we chatted for a bit. He has a southern accent. He said that he has done 3 ceilings like it and he could provide a few time saving tips. He gave me his email and I emailed him so that he could have mine and to be sure that we could connect. I have a feeling that he and Rejean will be good friends by the time the project is complete.
I told him where we lived and I commented that this would be our winter project or should I say our winter adventure. He said if we didn't go stir crazy from the snow, we would go crazy with the ceiling. I hope he was kidding.
See Ya By
PS - that is not a picture of our house - just an example of what we will be trying to do - the frame will be clear pine and the panel is white ceiling tile
1 comment:
it looks like a zigsaw puzzle to me.good luck Rejean and his helper Janet. it will be well worth the effort when it is done. anything you guys do is spectacular -sistersue
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