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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Toilet Is Just A Toilet - Or Is It?

First off Welcome Shelley!!! Nice to get feedback - hope you enjoy the blog - I do. But Be Warned!!! For the next few months there will be a lot of work stuff - we are now into the finishing of the addition so that is what my life will be so that is what I will blog about. Plus my training for October - nice life!!
We went into a plumbing store in the Sault today to get a wall heater for the bathroom - they are nice to have in the cold winter months as there is good heat almost at once. Plus a timer so we old folk don't have to wonder - "did I turn that damn thing off???" I saw toilets - one that would spray water on your - how shall I put this - your privates. You could push a button and it would spray the front then another button to spray the back and you could control the water flow!!! Sounds like something else that could be a girl's best friend....But back to the toilets. The salesperson then proceeded to give us a talk on toilets - specifically the Toto Models - if you Google "the best toilet" Toto comes up - they are Japanese made and are rated the best for disposing of your waste. They can handle 540 grams of - again how should I put this - shit - and the sales person explained a 400 pound man could not produce that much at one sitting (no pun intended). He even demonstrated - he led Rejean and I into the store's bathroom and proceeded to put a large amount of toilet paper in the bowl of the toilet - then he flushed - and I must say I was impressed - it didn't swirl but just got sucked down - then filled silently and quickly but not quick enough to cause a disturbance down there. Just gentle like. It was $500 but I guess you get what you pay for. The other toilet that sprays you was like $650!! But then again there's always Home Depot...
Also got the bathroom floor - the black slate laminate - we did go into a floor shop and they said not to put laminate on a bathroom floor but I don't think we'll have a problem - we aren't too messy. Got it at Soo Mills.
Also got the 100 feet of evestrough for the place. You know the expenses don't stop at the construction - it just keeps growing and growing and growing.
But what we do now only enhances the space and makes it comfortable to live in and enjoy. And it is FUN.
I missed a photo opportunity today - I brought my camera with me to get a pic of the helicopter at the Trading Post but there was a MNR truck pulling a cage trailer with a bear in it and it was stopped at a restaurant along the highway - I should have turned around to get it but I didn't and now I am sorry I didn't - but I got the helicopter - how ofter do you see one of these babies parked at the corner store???
See Ya Bye

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