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Saturday, July 25, 2009


As I have said before, entertainment is where you find it up here. I walked down to the dock and there was my little snake just laying around looking for something to eat - so I accommodated him. I got the worm container from the fridge and threw him one worm - it landed quite close to him so he could sense movement. He slowly approached it, all the time his tongue flicked in and out - tasting the air. Once he connected, it was fast. I don't know if they have a swallowing mechanism but that worm was down the hatch in a flash. So I threw him another one. This time I watched closer instead of taking pictures. It is fascinating to watch him stalk the worm then attack it - as much as it can attack. Then I threw him another - three worms - I didn't have anymore in the container or I could still be there. He was much slower on the 3rd worm. Stuffed comes to mind. But you have to admit he is looking fatter. I watched some more and his body contracts and pushes the food down lower in his body. As I said, fascinating.
I got all my stuff put away today - I re-arranged the pantry and my freezers and cleaned them out. It was dump day so it was a good day.
Tonite, if Rejean feels better, we are heading over to Gerry and Cheryle's on Chub Lake. They have new cupboards and I am anxious to see them. She has been waiting a loooooong time for them.
See Ya By

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