Tomorrow we will be going ice fishing with the Demer's gang. We are going to a brook trout lake to test our fishing prowess. I love fishing for brook trout, whether in a stream, lake or under the ice. When you go with the Demer's gang, you are assured of a good time. They pack a picnic and tomorrow venison stew is on the menu. I have made carrot muffins and have some venison pepperoni that I have been saving for myself but decided to share on this special occasion - and for those who know my love of venison pepperoni, this is indeed a sacrifice. We are heading out at 9am. There will be Rejean and I, Ron and Mary and Linda and Daniel. And for sure my camera is going along for the ride.
THEN on Sunday there is the big Axe Lake Fishing Derby. Unlike the Cheney lake Fishing Derby, fish will be caught. John has caught some smelt that he is keeping for bait. Linda is preparing hot dogs and hamburgers and I will make my hash browns again - they were pretty good the last time I made them. And they are easy.
It appears that it is a weekend of fun after all the work we have been doing - it is always like that. When you get involved in a project, you just want to finish to see the results. And what results they are. Just one more door to finish and then they are done - and all trimmed up.
Tonite I am watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. But what a terrible tragedy the accident on the Luge course. I couldn't watch the tape of the accident but I heard the sound of the pillar being hit. Horrible. I hope the rest of the games is without another incident.
See Ya Bye