The finished product - 5 nice pan size Brookies
We woke up and it was -25!!! Maybe a little too cold to go fishing??? We had postponed the fishing trip the last 2 times so we decided to let Ron decide if we go or not - we waited for the phone call but it never came so we got ready and headed out the door. We rode the snow machine over to Ron's on the lakes - nice ride. It was very cold but sunny. We followed Ron and Mary to the lake and the guys got the holes drilled and Mary and I got the fire ready. It kept me warm wandering around gather sticks and trees. Rejean got one right off the bat - usually the first line in gets something. But, by the end of the day, everyone had caught fish. Rejean and I got a total of 5, and Ron and Mary got 5 as well. Ron W and his son Brent got 8.
The fire was keeping us warm and Ron and Mary brought some soup and other stuff to munch on. I brought some hot chocolate to keep me warm. I did have a beer but I had to tuck it into my snow suit to warm it up - it was starting to freeze. I had my camera in there too. Nice and warm in there.
We packed up at about 3:30 and headed home. A nice day fishing - I'm glad we postponed it until today - I think it was the best day - cold but nice. Everyone survived.
See Ya Bye