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Saturday, September 29, 2012


Who says that nothing exciting ever happens around here - today was the Second Annual Show and Shine.  I really had to think about what cars I pictured here - there were so many to choose from.  Someone said over 50 cars!!  They started their trek in Thessalon - up Highway 129 to the Wharncliffe Hall where they stopped for lunch and to show off their babies.  After they finished lunch, they again travelled north to Lafoe then turned around and headed back to Thessalon.  It was quite a sight - all those brightly colored cars among the brightly colored leaves.  And it was a beautiful bright sunny day - perfect cruising weather.

I don't think they could have picked a  better day...

Friday, September 28, 2012


The leaves are at their peak again this weekend - From Wharncliffe to just this side of Lafoe they are stunning.  If you want to see the colours, better get up here this weekend - just saying...


It was a trip Linda and I had talked about for a long time and we finally set a date and went.  Traverse City was the destination - and we had a great time.  We headed out on Tuesday morning at 8:30am and arrived in Traverse City 7 1/2 hours later - we stopped at a few (read lots) of places on the way like the first picture - a thrift store.  I saw some bamboo ski poles that I picked up on the way home - we use them for walking sticks for the river when we fish - they float when not in use and are light enough that they are easy to use.  It was a great 3 days and a great place to spend some time.  their downtown was full of all sorts of quaint little stores with a lot of unique items - a lot of it was very pricey for my taste but nice to look at.
The last picture is of one of Linda's purchases for John - it is a talking skull - it sings "I ain't got no body" - get it?    We played it for all the cars we passed and who passed us.  We did not play it for the customs agent who gave us no trouble at all when we explained we had been over in the States for 54 hours.  The colors were not as vibrant as ours are this week but they are further south so their time is coming.
We hit the Turtle Creek casino - I walked in with my $40 ready to play and I walked out with $40 from a great machine.  Linda played $42 and lost it all.  I think we were in there for all of 1/2 hour.  Big gamblers we are.
It is a trip I would do again in a heartbeat.  We had fun.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


I was on my way home from Blind River on Thursday nite (long story) when I had to slow down for this little guy.  I quickly looked in my rear view mirror and saw that it was safe to stop so I did and grabbed my camera.  He just stood there and watched me - then he gave me a couple of foot stomps!!  Imagine that.  I slowly moved forward and he stood his ground.  I finally had to roll down my window and let him hear my music before he took off into the bush.
Sorry it is not  clearer but I was rushing to get the shot.  It was a fun encounter.
Wonder where he'll be on November 5th?????


We do!!  And are they gorgeous.  I would say they are peaking this weekend and maybe into next week as well.  With all the dry weather we had this summer, I was worried the colors wouldn't be as vibrant, but they are.  And it seemed to happen just this past week.
I am in awe of nature at this time  -  my favourite season is now upon us.

We are having another dinner tomorrow - chicken and fish again.  The last one of the year but we will be baking our world famous meat pies - so if you are interested...there will be fruit pies available for sale tomorrow at the meal.  The pies for the dinner were made today and I have been appointed the meringue maker - and I was taught by the best so I am very proud of my meringue - it is piled high...

See Ya Bye

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


On our last day at camp, these 5 guys drove down to the dock and unloaded their gear.  They are from Florida and drove straight thru and loaded up their 2 boats with enough gear to do them for 4 days of camping in the bush.  They were headed to a spot 6 miles down the lake to set up their camp, fish and "enjoy" the wilderness.  I wished them luck and took their picture.
I'm glad I was in a trailer...


September 15th was opening day of bird season so we headed up the highway to a spot that is well known for producing birds - and fish.  Ron and Mary already have their trailer there so we bunked with them for a couple of days.  Between the 4 of us (and Mary doesn't hunt) we got 16 birds.  I got 4 - and I did miss one but got him on the second shot.  In a tree!!  But my first shot was successful.  I was very happy.
The first picture is of all our 4 wheelers on Ron's trailer - they just fit.  We got there and got all set up and headed out for a hunt - it was a nice day - sunny and not too hot or cold.  It was a bit nippy that nite but we stayed warm inside the trailer.  The next day was an all dayer - after dinner, Rejean and Ron went out for another short hunt.  Mary and I stayed behind and did the dishes - I manned the fire after.  We heard a 4 wheeler come in and from my vantage point I could see up the road and into the camp so I was watching for the 4 wheeler.  All of a sudden, I saw something that just didn't register as possible.  I saw a big bull moose running thru the camp.  I said to Mary, I think I just saw a moose running thru camp - she said sure you did.  But then you could hear everyone laughing so I headed up and found out that yes it was a big bull moose run thru the camp.  One of the guests was coming down the road on his quad and the moose was trotting in front of him down the road.  He stayed behind the moose and gently steered him towards the camp to see if the moose would head down the road - and he did!!!  Just imagine the faces on the campers seeing this big bull moose coming towards them - lucky all he did was pass by!!
We cooked up 3 spruce hens (the red meat is from them) and they were delicious.  The rest we froze for later.  On our last day I got one and Rejean got a flock - 3 birds in one spot.
Hopefully we will get another chance to get out for another hunt.  I am beginning to like hunting just as much as fishing - who knew???

See Ya Bye

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Today was the day we installed our new Pacific Energy Spectrum wood stove - in Titanium!!  The sucker weighed 350 pounds!!!  We had to use the tractor for a large part of the process and we had to use a "trolley" that Ron lent us - not the one pictured in the second photo.  It took a while but we finally got it into place - I had to run into Thessalon to pick up a couple of new double wall pipes to complete the installation.  We didn't fire it up today because it was too hot but maybe later on this week.  I love the colour - I wanted something different than black and this was my first choice.  I like it!!!

Not a bad day's work  for 2 seniors (actually 1 because I still have 4 1/2 months to go ;o)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Saw this cutie in a parking lot and just happened to have my camera ready.  I don't think anyone would consider stealing this car.

Who needs car alarms???


There is opportunity up here to experience more than fresh caught fish, partridge and venison.  Lobsters were available from a truck in Bruce Mines and Ron and Mary picked some up and shared with us.  I have been to the Lobersterfest in Windsor put on by the Rotary Club and was on vacation out East during lobster season but I don't remember it being so much fun to eat.  Rejean brought his channel locks to help crack the shells and we also had nut crackers and picks.  We all wore bibs so we weren't all covered in lobster stuff.   I had to hide inside when Ron put them in the boiling water - they were delicious!!!!!

Monday, September 3, 2012


With all the tourist gone (for a while) Rejean and I got to work on some wood that we have been talking about all summer - we needed to find a good cedar tree - straight with few branches - for some kindling this winter.  We found one across on the mine side and we took it down the other day.  The top picture is of me in the tractor carrying a large oak piece to get it out of the way. We got all the wood over to the other property where we will split it in time for winter.  Cedar kindling is like gold up here - you hate to run out.

Still lots of work to do before the first snow flies...