...did you?
Linda and I went to the states yesterday and I bought a Power Ball ticket - the pot was then at $500,000,000 - I think that's enough 0s. Five hundred million dollars!! That's a lot of money!!! I think the pot ended up at something like $587,500,000. But boy did I feel good as soon as that ticket was in my hand. I had a chance!! My mind wandered everywhere. I would probably end up with at least $225,000,000 by the time the US taxes were paid (but could I, as a Canadian citizen, then apply to get back those taxes? Just asking.) How would I split it up between the families - and friends for that matter. I would for sure have to get a good lawyer to guide me in the legalities of that. Maybe set up some trust funds to pay everyone's daily, monthly and yearly expenses. Linda also had a ticket so we were finding out what each of us would do for the other - you really know who your friends are when moolagh is involved.
There were 2 winning tickets and mine was not one of them - but I can't wait to find out who did win.
I only had one ticket that cost $2.00 - I don't make it a habit of buying lottery tickets but I do buy the Lotto Max when it gets to be $50,000,000. I figure it is a 50/50 chance - either you win or you don't.
But it sure was fun dreaming about winning.
Friday nite is the MoonLight Madness in downtown Thessalon. All the stores will be open till 11pm. We are going to hit the Legion for their fish fry, leave the guys playing shuffleboard while the ladies shop. There is also some good hockey games at the arena and an Art show at Beggs Funeral Home - Local artist, Sheila Curry, will have some of her art and some of her student's art on display. Last year they also had a bon fire in a field off the Main Street and carollers and hot chocolate. I think some of the Thessalon Fire Department may be on hand to tend to the fire. Always nice to see the firefighters!!
Should be fun - See Ya Bye
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Thursday, November 29, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
...sorry but there won't be any for a while - you will have to read my words. I have to seriously sit down and figure out what is wrong with my computer that I can't post any pictures - it says I am out of space but when I look at the numbers, I am only at 47%. Maybe I can ask my techy s-i-l Andrew about it. If anyone knows what is wrong, he does.
It is still snowing, lightly, but still snowing. And cold. We were lucky we got to go hunting last Thursday as it was probably the last nice day. Sunny and a high of about 12 or 13. Ron, Rejean and myself drove up to Hinkler for a day of bird hunting. We managed to get 9 between the 3 of us. It has been a pretty good year for birds around here. Considering I never even shot my gun last year.
And the hunters got 1 this year. Rejean got a buck - altho he thought it was a doe because it had no antlers - just small nubs below the skin. Barry pointed out the "package" when they started cleaning it.
We already have the meat back and the pepperonis are delicious.
Sunday - a quiet day around here. I am cooking ribs tonite to feed John and Linda - we will probably have the Grey Cup on as Johnny Reid will be kicking it off at the pre-game show - and you know how much I like Johnny Reid!!!!
See Ya Bye
It is still snowing, lightly, but still snowing. And cold. We were lucky we got to go hunting last Thursday as it was probably the last nice day. Sunny and a high of about 12 or 13. Ron, Rejean and myself drove up to Hinkler for a day of bird hunting. We managed to get 9 between the 3 of us. It has been a pretty good year for birds around here. Considering I never even shot my gun last year.
And the hunters got 1 this year. Rejean got a buck - altho he thought it was a doe because it had no antlers - just small nubs below the skin. Barry pointed out the "package" when they started cleaning it.
We already have the meat back and the pepperonis are delicious.
Sunday - a quiet day around here. I am cooking ribs tonite to feed John and Linda - we will probably have the Grey Cup on as Johnny Reid will be kicking it off at the pre-game show - and you know how much I like Johnny Reid!!!!
See Ya Bye
Friday, November 23, 2012
Sorry I haven't posted for a little while but I can't seem to post any pictures - something about exceeding 1GB of space. I'll let those more tech savy deal with it - in the meantime it is snowing out right now - maybe even accumulation!! We are prepared - we hooked up the snow blower just in case...
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Now this is only here say but it sounds right...it is deer season up here - actually the last few days of the hunt. We have been lucky enough to have one already in the freezer, packed and ready to be split between the hunters. The gang over on the next lake have 3!! But this story involves 2 local guys who went out hunting the other day. The one guy travelled to a hydro line, sat down on a rock and held up his iPhone with an app that played a deer calling sound - probably a buck call. Well, lo and behold, a buck come prancing out, ready for battle, and the other guy got him.
Now, I don't have an iPhone - my phone is vintage and is just a phone and the guys at Costco laugh at it - so I can't just dial up the call. Ed gave me his caller and when I was sitting in my blind today, I tried it. I expected a buck to come out immediately but that did not happen. ;o(
There is always tomorrow and Saturday left in the hunt - wish me luck...
Now, I don't have an iPhone - my phone is vintage and is just a phone and the guys at Costco laugh at it - so I can't just dial up the call. Ed gave me his caller and when I was sitting in my blind today, I tried it. I expected a buck to come out immediately but that did not happen. ;o(
There is always tomorrow and Saturday left in the hunt - wish me luck...
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
So, we tried a new spot called Gators in John's Pass. We knew they would have entertainment but had no idea they would be the Hunks of Funk. And no idea they would look that good without shirts!!!!! I got some good pictures, as did the majority of the ladies in the bar. And dance we did on the crowded dance floor. I, at first, felt a bit old to be at bar like that with all the young people around, but I soon got over that feeling as soon as we hit the floor. Who cares? We were all there for one reason - to have a good time and we did - thanks to the Hunks of Funk!!
Ready for more? The first picture is of the girls at Sea Critters which has the best tomato bisque in the world - served with a dollop of crab on top. And the best margaritas served at Happy Hour I must say.
The next is of another sunset - the sky stayed that color for quite a while - beautiful.
The next is of Deb being a pirate in one of the stores along the way - we were almost asked to leave and were followed around the store by the employees - I don't know why...
Tuesday it rained so we rented a car - Chrysler 200 - and hit the malls. My suitcase was a little heavier when I packed to go home ;o)
The next picture is of our friends Roger and Sherry - they were there last year and again this year. They kind of adopted us - worrying if we made it home at nite and if we behaved ourselves. Every afternoon they would take their bottle of wine and head on down to the chaises and watch the sunsets.
We all enjoyed their company and hope to see them again next year. Maybe we can talk them into coming out with us one nite...
And the final picture is of "the girls" on their last morning trying to drink as much of the booze as they can before they leave - after all, it was 4 o'clock somewhere...
How many more sleeps until next year?
Monday, November 12, 2012
St Pete Beach - Part 1
Poor Joanne had to wait on a plane in Calgary for over 6 hours - they were fogged in - they only fed them water and crackers and would not let them off the plane. I think there is a law against that!! She finally arrived at the hotel at 11:15 pm instead of 4:30 pm but boy did we make up for that lost time.
The first picture is of one of the many beautiful sunsets we experienced at the beach - I like the helicopter flying thru my picture.
The next one is of (from the left) Joanne, Deb and Susan walking to breakfast along the beach the first morning (I think) It was a beautiful morning.
The next one is of Susan and her treasure - she likes to look for shells and we buy one and plant it for her to find. She falls for it every year - this year we planted a star fish for her to find and even some people walking by were impressed at her find. And Deb likes to look for shells too so we got her on one of our walks. I also got 2 identical prickly shells for them to find. That's my shadow taking the picture.
The next picture is of Susan being serenaded by a member of a Motown Band at Sea Hags on Tuesday nite. They were great and we were dancing all nite long - I was fuelled by the Sea Hag Brew which was delicious. I think I ordered too many ;oP I highly recommend this bar if you are ever in the neighbourhood. We took the free beach taxi there and back so no one had to drive. We were safe.
part 2 tomorrow...too much fun to pack into one blog
Poor Joanne had to wait on a plane in Calgary for over 6 hours - they were fogged in - they only fed them water and crackers and would not let them off the plane. I think there is a law against that!! She finally arrived at the hotel at 11:15 pm instead of 4:30 pm but boy did we make up for that lost time.
The first picture is of one of the many beautiful sunsets we experienced at the beach - I like the helicopter flying thru my picture.
The next one is of (from the left) Joanne, Deb and Susan walking to breakfast along the beach the first morning (I think) It was a beautiful morning.
The next one is of Susan and her treasure - she likes to look for shells and we buy one and plant it for her to find. She falls for it every year - this year we planted a star fish for her to find and even some people walking by were impressed at her find. And Deb likes to look for shells too so we got her on one of our walks. I also got 2 identical prickly shells for them to find. That's my shadow taking the picture.
The next picture is of Susan being serenaded by a member of a Motown Band at Sea Hags on Tuesday nite. They were great and we were dancing all nite long - I was fuelled by the Sea Hag Brew which was delicious. I think I ordered too many ;oP I highly recommend this bar if you are ever in the neighbourhood. We took the free beach taxi there and back so no one had to drive. We were safe.
part 2 tomorrow...too much fun to pack into one blog
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