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Sunday, August 31, 2014


It rained on the last weekend of the non-summer so we decided to take a ride up to Hinkler to check on the trailers.  We got a nice fire going, had a picnic and took a ride further up the road.  We came across a brand new bridge that was constructed in order to reopen a road that could not be accessed because somebody took out the bridge that had originally been there.  What a nice job they did.  It was sturdy and functional.  I am sure we will be crossing that bridge this fall for bird hunting.
I also liked the new handle on the outhouse at camp.  Tim did a great job.
It was a nice way to spend a cloudy, dreary day.


The kids had some jaundice and had to undergo some phototherapy.  It's funny but that is the same way I lie in the sun - with my hands under my head - must have got that from me ;o)
Everything was set up in Jodie's room in the hospital so she didn't have far to go to keep an eye on the kids.  Charlie and Monty are fine now and went home today with Jodie.

Now, the fun begins...

Friday, August 29, 2014


It's Charlie!!

Charlie's in red and Monty's in green - according to Dave.

I'm going to have to take his word for it...

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Montgomery Gerard and Charles Edmund - my grandchildren

They are beautiful

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I saw this on Facebook and it made me laugh.  I thought of the Florida Girls and if this could be us in a few years.

What do you think Joanne?  Susan?  Deb?

Nah…but maybe.  I hope we never stop!!

Monday, August 25, 2014


Gavin and Steve had some fun with Steve's wagon this week.  They both strapped on their helmets, got in the wagon and headed off down the hill on our driveway.
If I knew how to post a video on this blog you would see the whole trip.  But you can see they were both having a lot of fun.
Next year they do the big hill.
I wonder why I have never done this but I know where Steve keeps his wagon….


Spent a good part of the weekend canning with Mary.  We did green relish (my favourite), antipasto and bread and butter pickles.  It is so much easier with 2 people and a lot more fun.  Also, thank goodness for food processors which makes the chopping and cutting and slicing go so much faster.  I think we would still be in the kitchen chopping, cutting and slicing today without them.  The pickles have to sit for 1 month before you can eat them but the sample was delicious.
I am very proud of my canning.

Next year - dills!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Our monthly luncheon was held today at the Pepper Mill in Thessalon and they surprised me with some baby gifts and best wishes for my Grand kids.  I usually know what is going on but they got me big time.  Even Melina, Eboni and Joan were in on it.  I was speechless but very appreciative.  They knew I couldn't take a lot of gifts with me to Abu Dhabi so they took up a collection for a Shutterfly Baby Book.  Jane just had twin grandchildren of her own so she got the 2 little sailor outfits and booties.  Erla got the bibs at the Tunnel Lake Trading Post (I am sure the kids will be visiting there in the future) and Melina got the beautiful lime green receiving blanket and some touchy feel things for the kids.
I am very lucky to have such dear friends who made me feel special today.
Thank you so very much.
There will be lots and lots of pictures...

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Sleeping beauties!!!  Colton on top and Camryn on the bottom - out of the incubators and in an open crib.  Off the feeding and breathing tubes and ready to face the world.
It has been a long road for these two little beauties and everyone who loves them, but thanks to modern medicine and a lot of dedicated medical professionals, they are almost home.
Susan is just thrilled to bits to be a Grandma for the 2nd and 3rd time.
And me, I'm still waiting but very, very soon I'll have my own twin grandsons to love and hold and spoil.
Can't wait!!!!


Spotted this on the way back from Blind river last Thursday - we checked and there was no one in the truck and the passenger window was roiled down to I think whoever was in the truck crawled out.  It was on 554 at a curve so maybe he was going a wee bit too fast for the turn.  You could see where he went in and how far he travelled in the ditch.  Must have been one heck of a ride!!


Last Saturday we were invited to celebrate Doug and Diane's 50th wedding anniversary at their home.  What a great time we had with everyone.  Talk about food!!  John cooked all afternoon on the bbq.  There was sausages, hamburgers, hot dogs, corn, stuffed mushrooms, butter chicken, salads, mini potatoes, Kim's world famous butter tarts, a wild blueberry cheesecake and the special cake made by Pino's in the Sault.  Everything was delicious.  I even got a picture of Kim getting a picture of the mushrooms.  Kim keeps us all in the loop on her Facebook page.  I don't know what I would do without her daily updates of the local news and jobs they are doing.  And there is Mark photo bombing Doug and Diane cutting their cake.  I think he was first in line for a piece.
Doug and Diane's children and grandchildren did all the work - cooking and decorating and making sure everything was running smoothly.

Here's to another 50!!!!  And another party!!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2014


After a kayak ride I always flip it over so that if it rains, it doesn't accumulate inside and then I have to drain it.  This afternoon I flipped it right side up for my afternoon ride and this little guy was hiding from the sun under it.  I dashed up to the house to grab my camera and some worms to feed it.  By the time I got back down, he had slithered under the kayak.  I saw his head poking out and I tossed a couple of worms his way - 3 to be exact.  And he got them all.  I stuck around to watch as I find it fascinating to watch.  (you can see one of the worms in the bottom right hand corner to the left of the white rock - he has his eye on it already).  I decided not to bother him anymore and left him alone.
He was gone by this evening so I launched the kayak and followed Rick and Melina around the lake on their evening fishing excursion - Melina got a pickerel - all by herself.
No sign of the little snake.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


She caught a bass all by herself and Ricky got pickerel all by himself, too.

Good job!!

Monday, August 4, 2014


August 4th and the leaves are changing already.


I picked Joanne up at the Sault airport on July 3rd and then dropped her, Mitch and Andrew off at the Sault airport on August 3rd.  What a whirl wind month.  Non stop action.  Sue and Jack came up for their annual visit.  Joanne and I met Sue in NorthBay and then went on to Kirkland Lake for the baby shower and then about one week later the twins came - a bit early but everything is going just fine.  Then Joanne and I went to Sudbury on a surprise visit to see Sue and the kids.
And then to top it all off, the Axe Lake meet and greet was held on their final nite here.  And it was Mitch's birthday the next day so we celebrated at the party.  I picked up the cake in Thessalon but totally forgot about the parade!!  Main street was closed and I had to somehow get thru to pick up the cake at ValueMart.  I finally had to walk from highway 17, across the red bridge, cut in-between the floats to pick up the cake then walk back the same route.  I was the only person walking in the whole town - everyone else was standing still watching the parade.  "Is that a pizza?" people would ask.  And it was big and by the time I got back to my car, it weighed a ton.  But there was none left the next day.  The party was a Brent and Nat's new garage - and what a party it was.  People I had never seen before were there and the food!!!!!  Tons!!  And they had Mo-Town going on the big screen and Mo-Town just makes everything so much more fun.  Rosenberg's donated $350 worth of fireworks that was the highlight of the night.  John and Brent went over to the Island and set them off.  Everyone had an amazing seat.
Everyone had a great time.
Barry and Sandy come in tomorrow and Rick, Joan and Melina come in Thursday!!

Saturday, August 2, 2014


It didn't turn out like we planned but a fun road trip nevertheless.  Joanne and I headed to Sudbury to surprise Susan and Shelley who were heading there to get their first look at Susan's new GrandTwins.  We hit Costco first then headed to the hospital to wait until Susan showed up.  We inquired at the information desk where the NICU was and we were escorted there by a very helpful volunteer.  We were told that Malorie had left but to ask at the NICU desk when she was expected back.  We turned a corner and there was Malorie and her Mom walking down the hall.  We got in to see the beautiful twins for a few minutes.  Such tiny perfect little babies.  We then made our way over to the trailer park where they were staying and surprised Susan and Shelley.  We had a little visit then decided to make our way home, having accomplished everything we set out to do that day.
Camryn and Colton are perfect and doing very very well.

Now I just have to wait for mine...