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Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Heading south on Saturday to sunny, warm St Pete Beach with my sisters, Susan, Joanne and our honorary Scott sister, Deb.
Hard to believe it has already been a year since we last went.  So much has happened.
Oh the fun we will have...

Monday, October 27, 2014


My My how time flies.  2 months old already.  I can tell them apart only some of the time.  I can tell quickly if I see Charlie's little elf ear but otherwise I have to look back at other pictures where Jodie has told me who is who.  And really, I do have a 50/50 chance of getting it right.  From the looks of these pictures, they appear to do things together but I think it was just chance that they yawned at the same time and then posed in the bottom picture.  They are very healthy and chunky.  Chunky is the new Hunky you know.
Love the sunglasses but I can attest to the fact that the sun is very bright in Abu Dhabi so everyone, including babies, should wear sunglasses to protect their eyes.  I do believe that is Grandma Marilou holding the little guy who I think is Charlie.  An evening by the pool - how nice.
I do miss them.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Charles on the left and Montgomery on the right.  Verified by Mom - I got it wrong.
Bad Grandma

Friday, October 24, 2014


Tuesday was the monthly Ladies Luncheon and we took the opportunity to celebrate Vickie's brand new Canadian Citizenship.  It only took her 23 years.  She is originally from Mexico and still visits her family down there yearly.  It was Vickie who took to calling me "Yanet" and it has continued to follow me around.   But then again, she is married to "Yack" so I know I am in good company.

Welcome Home Vickie!!

Saturday, October 18, 2014


Sharing a laugh together.

The reason I get to post all these up to date pictures of the kids is because I made Jodie promise to send us a "picture a day" of the kids and their day.  That way we get to see them and how they are growing and all the special moments in their lives.  It is hard being 7,000 miles away…Thank you Jodie and Dave.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


…just because I like these pictures.


We were in Abu Dhabi a good part of September - my favourite month.  From what we are told, the colours were fantastic this year - figures.  Rick took this picture of our trail on the mine side - Oakleaf Trail.  I love walking thru all the leaves and kicking them and hearing the rustling and the smell of dry leaves.  I got a chance to walk it with the guys before they left and the rains came.  Maybe next year...

Saturday, October 11, 2014


We spent a couple of days at Camp hunting for birds.  Rick was up so he came along as well.  The new trailer came in handy as it transported all 3 of our quads plus all of our other stuff.  We headed up Thursday morning, got all set up and then got in an afternoon hunt.  Rejean got one on the road when we first started - it turned out to be his only one because he came down with what I had and didn't go out at all on Friday.  We got 4 birds on Thursday and Rick and I headed out on Friday morning and got 8 birds on the same road.  It was hot and heavy action.  We take turns - first I lead and Rick follows.  When I spot the bird, I stop and point to it without getting off my bike and I never take my eyes off of the bird - you do and it disappears.  Rick gets off his bike, loads his gun and shoots and gets it.  Then we switch places and I get a chance to shoot.  We did very well that morning.  We headed back to camp for breakfast then out for an afternoon run.  We only got one.  But all in all 13 birds in basically 1 1/2 days.  Not too bad.  But I was soooo sore - my thumb from the throttle and my bum from sitting so long.  We didn't go out Friday evening.  We packed up and came home Saturday morning.  Good thing because it was getting crowded there this weekend - opening day of Moose hunting.  Ron and Mary were scouting out some moose tracks - he has a calf tag so they are still up there.  Good Luck!!!

ps - that first picture is of a beaver dam we came across - right along side of a good trail - if it goes, so goes the trail...

Friday, October 3, 2014


Due to the tremendous storms we had this afternoon, our highway 129 has been closed from 17 to Chapleau.  The washouts are located further up the highway by Lafoe and Rapid River and don't affect us.  These pictures are curtesy of Kim who always keeps us up to date with all the important happenings in our area.  It may take a while to re-open the highway because I am sure the road beds have been compromised and they will have to be tested all along the affected areas.  A lot of big rigs drive that road...