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Thursday, January 29, 2015


Success is the best revenge! Enjoy!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, January 25, 2015


Getting to know each other it seems.

 One is a little nudie - wonder where he got that from?

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Monty and Charlie getting ready to meet Aunty Stacey and Uncle Andrew for the first time!!

And I know the feeling is mutual...

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


That is not a picture of Poopsie - just one I borrowed from Facebook but it is a beautiful red fox.  As you remember, Poopsie was infected with mange and I took her to the Wild At Heart Animal Rescue in Lively Ontario back in November for treatment.  Well,  she is doing very, very well.  She has had 3 treatments of Ivernectin and is improving.  Her eyes have cleared up and she is very curious and alert to her surroundings - I think she is just looking for food.  Once she is better and her fur has grown back, I will be able to pick her up and release her in the area she is most familiar with - here.  That will make me very happy.


Today was the day for the monthly Ladies Luncheon - this time at the Wakomata Lodge.  It was an excellent turnout - 25 ladies who live in the area.  It has become an event with lots of laughter and stories heard.  And it is a great opportunity to get out and shake off that cabin fever that we seem to get this time of year.  They put on a good lunch consisting of 2 soups - one the famous Wakomata Red that I love.  As a matter of fact I had 2 bowls for lunch - I skipped the other food and just had that for lunch.  Delish!!!  There was also a chicken stir fry and some baby roasted potatoes, buns and desert and your drink.
The next one is February 19 at the Sinton Tavern in Thessalon.  See you there!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


It's been a while since I last posted pictures of the kids so here's some now.  The first picture is of David with the kids in their new high chairs that Grandma and Grandpa bought for them.  Some assembly required!!  Good Job Dave!!  They are called Tripp Trapp chairs and they adjust to be used from when they first need high chairs until they are well into their toddler years.  They are slightly leaning to one side - I think they may need a little more time before they sit comfortably in them.
The next one is just a cute picture of them both smiling at the same time.  Always a bonus.

Can you tell who's who?

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


By now I believe it is safe on our lake to take the snow machine out for a spin or "burn" as Kim calls it.  It was probably safe back in December but I don't like to take chances.  I cruised along the perimeter but not down the middle of the lake - which I suppose was just as safe but I will try that later on in the month.  I got it up to 40 miles per hour which is pretty fast - I had my helmet on just in case.  We got our Trail Pass to go on the trails up here - our machine is a 1996 which they consider "Classic" so it is cheaper.

See - there is some benefit to being old.  :o)

Monday, January 12, 2015


Everything fell into place nicely - the ice co-operated and the guys had another successful ice fishing trip in North Bay.  Among the group was a newby - Dave - who caught his very first fish ever on this trip.  That is him in the first picture.  The trip down on Thursday was a bit scary as the weather was horrible but everyone made it safely.  It is a chance for everyone to get together and hang out and enjoy each other's company as they try and catch some fish.


This poor little guy was just trying to sleep but couldn't because Rejean was blowing snow just down the driveway from him.  He would slowly close his eyes then perk up when the noise became too loud. And he was just outside my window so photo-op!!!
The next time I looked he was gone - probably somewhere quiet...

Sunday, January 11, 2015


Somebody's having way too much fun - I can't tell if it's David, Charlie or Monty having the most fun.

I am having fun just looking at this picture.

 How I love these little guys…and you too, David and Jodie.

Saturday, January 3, 2015


It was about -8 and flurries for our first walk on the Lake.  I let Rejean go ahead of me - so he would be the first to break thru the ice  - just to lead the way and I got some good shots of the structures.  We came across tons of tracks - some fox and some wolf and some we really couldn't be sure of.
I now know it is safe so that will be my daily routine - to walk or ski around the lake.


I had to go to the Post after the dump today and encountered Keith in all his Steeler glory.  I guess there is a game tonite - first of the playoffs - and Keith is wearing his colours.  I didn't bring my camera and knew I couldn't miss this opportunity so I drove all the way home and came back with my camera - I warned him I was going to do it and he was ready to pose.

I hope they win, Keith,  just so I can see you again - all dressed up.  Good Luck Steelers!!!!!

Friday, January 2, 2015


January 2nd, 2015 and the ice fisher people are out on Cummings.  Lake Trout are what they are after and the fishing was good last year so we will see what this year brings.

I guess if it is safe on that lake, my lake must be ok.  I will find out tomorrow on my first walk around it - close to shore - with ice picks . . .


This is what flying squirrels look like - aren't they cute!!!!  We still have 2 coming around at nite to feed on the black oil sunflower seeds that fall from the bird feeder.  They are very shy now and it is hard to get a good picture.  This is from the Internet but I found plans for a flying squirrel house so I think Rejean will have a new project in the next few weeks.  They have to live somewhere...

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Another successful New Year's Eve party on Axe.  And the weather co-operated as it was -12 with a blowing wind and the occasional snow flurry but if you are dressed for it - what does it matter.  I had on my fur hat, long johns, Levis and my snowmobile pants plus a turtleneck, sweater and my down coat and my Costco work gloves and my snowmobile boots so I didn't feel any cold at all - but I couldn't move I had so many clothes on.  Everyone else had on pretty much the same.  Food galore!!  It was pot luck but Davey brings in a ton of ribs and sausages from Windsor and cooks them on the open fire outside - delicious!!  I brought my deviled eggs - none left of course - there was chicken wings, pirogi, pizza, mac and cheese, cole slaw, dips, veggie trays and lots and lots of deserts plus big jars of home made Tunnel BBQ sauce - I even dipped my carrots in it!!  Linda's rice crispy  squares were to die for - my fav.  We got there about 6 and left at about 12:15 - after the fireworks!!!  They were great - a perfect ending to a perfect evening.  I used my camera to snap these pictures but everyone else had their i-phones out - they laughed at me and my digital camera.  I felt so un-techy.

Happy New Year everyone!!!


Just a few pictures from our annual Christmas journey to Windsor.  The first picture is of my mother in law Claire.  She always has such a beautiful tree set up.  And a beautiful table set for our lunch she prepared for us - home made tomato soup and her delicious meat pies.  Christmas Eve is always at Lise's house.  She has a beautiful home and she inherited her Mom's decorating abilities - as did Anne - and they both go all out for the holidays.  The last picture is of Claire and Anne looking at the Shutterfly book I made for her of the twins.  She loves it!!!