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Sunday, June 28, 2015


We launched Mitch's new boat yesterday at Hooverville for a day on Tunnel - and what a day it turned out to be.  The weather was perfect - the lake was calm and the fishing was good.  What else is there?  It was the first time Mitch had had it on the water and we had to test out everything - including the new trolling motor.  That is a picture you won't see everyday - 2 guys reading the instruction manual - but it certainly came in handy.  This motor will keep you in one spot - better than an anchor!!
With the 150 HP motor, we were at our destination in no time flat.  Quiet and smooth.  I caught the first fish - a nice size bass - and Mitch caught the first Walleye.  We finished the day with 4 Walleye and 3 bass - the big Walleye Rejean is holding is mine - I don't like to hold them because they have sharp spines and teeth!!!
Mitch let Rejean drive it and now he wants one!!

Thursday, June 25, 2015


We were over to greet Mitch after his epic road trip from Calgary to Axe Lake and I happened to see this little guy by the lake - Well actually I almost stepped on him.  Also got a snap of the irises growing on the shoreline.  Sometimes when I don't catch a fish I will take a rock or a plant and put it in my creel on the way home - that way I have something to show for my day.  I have lots and lots of rocks and plants to prove this.


There is a lodge down the road called the OutPost and they offer their guests the option of preparing meals for them - they also serve the public with reservations.  Ron and Mary organized the dinner for Fathers' Day this past Sunday and it was a good evening and a delicious meal of turkey and ham and all the trimmings.  I snuck in to take a picture of our hosts before the dinner in their kitchen.  There was Anne, her son Jaime, Jim and our server, Gary.  That's a picture of Jim in the chef's hat as he made the rounds after the dinner.  It is a beautiful old lodge that is very welcoming to guests.  It is also a BYOB establishment so Brent made sure to bring a few extra bottles of wine.  I packed my vodka Tonic for the meal but drank water most of the meal.  It was a grand evening with great conversations going on all down the table and I think we overstayed our welcome after the meal.  But Anne and Jim just joined in our conversations and made us feel welcome - no matter how late we stayed!!
Gary, our server, was very attentive to our every need and never let us ask for anything - he had it right there before we even knew we needed it.  Not bad for someone not really trained in this line of work.  But just a local who needed work and was accommodated by the OutPost.
Our next get together is this Friday at the Thessalon Legion for the fish fry - the last one before the summer.  They take a much needed break in July and August and then start it up again in September.  I bet it is going to be packed.  But we will be there - at our special table set up in the basement close to the bar.  You can't miss us!!  See you there...

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Headed out on our lake after dinner to do some fishing - first time this year.  The bass were biting and Dylan and Jody both hauled in some big ones.  Catch and release on the lake so that they will be there for the next fisherman.  We came across a Hooded Merganser with her 7 little babies on the far side of the lake - we did steer clear of her because she was a little protective of her brood.  And we saw the loon as well.  And no sign of the beaver - which is a very good thing!!

Sunday, June 14, 2015


We had a few people over last nite for the big game.  Cooked a couple of pizzas and enjoyed some watermelon too.  My team won so I am happy.  And there was no overtime so it wasn't a late night for me!!
Hopefully Chicago can wrap it up on Monday - maybe Mr Bishop can help us out again...


Went to the Ladies Luncheon the other day and had to cross this bridge in Thessalon to get to the restaurant.  Each year they put up flower boxes filled with beautiful arrangements of flowers.  This year it is purple petunias.  They are beautiful
Good Job!!

Friday, June 12, 2015


I stopped into the Trading Post and Cathy mentioned that a couple who have a summer home nearby had asked her to let me know that they had some baby stuff for me.  They knew the kids were coming for a visit and knew I had hardly anything in the way of highchairs etc for them.  She gave me their names and where they lived and I dropped by yesterday afternoon to meet them.
What a visit!  I made some new friends!!  Donn and Marlene and their little dog (I forgot his name but he is a Cavalier King Charles spaniel) and he is a cutie.  They follow my blog (Donn even knew I had surpassed 150,000 views) and knew about the visit coming up.  They are professional grandparents - if I remember correctly, they have 7 grandchildren under the age of 4 and an 18 year old who is going away to college (Marlene was quilting a t-shirt quilt for him).
They showed me around their beautiful home and the bunkies - they live on top of their garage just like we did when we started out.  I told Donn that he needed a bigger garage because he can't fit  all his toys in his.  That is how it starts…
They let me know what they had that I could borrow for the kids - even down to the plugs for the electrical outlets (which Jodie thought was a good idea by the way).  This is going to help out so much. I hadn't even thought about some stuff - like how they would take a bath as we don't have a bathtub - only showers.
Such nice people - but it doesn't surprise me.  People around here help each other out no matter what.  I invited them to join us at the Thessalon Legion's Fish Fry at our special table set up downstairs by the bar.  I am sure they will fit right in …if we don't scare them away...

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Today the ladies took part in some fish stocking - the driver of the truck was a lady so our leader, Ron, decided that the ladies would only be needed for this event.  The truck arrived on time and she followed us into the lake down some pretty bumpy roads.  The fish must have been wondering what was going on.  We assembled the hoses to reach the lake and then let them loose.  Some very nice size Brook Trout that I would have had in my creel for dinner.  I will let them settle into their new home and then try and catch them.  I know where they live…
On the way back home, Ron treated Mary and I to an ice cream cone at the Tunnel Lake Trading Post - no MooseTracks so I settled for Death By Chocolate - Yummy!!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Jodie was taking a well deserved week-end with the girls in Rome and the boys had a chance to bond even more.  A guys weekend, so to speak.  I didn't think I would be getting my usual daily pictures because Jodie was the one who usually sent them and I thought David might be a bit short of time.  I emailed him and asked how things were going and he said great!!  And he even sent me some pictures of the kids.  And I totally approve of their outfits - one in The Beatles and one in the Stones t shirts with their ever present cool scarves.  They are the sharpest dressed babies I know.  Great taste Dave.


We haven't seen Poopsy in a long time - I would say maybe3-4 weeks - and I always think the worst.  John kept saying she's having her babies but I didn't think so.  Remember she was in captivity at Wild At Heart Animal Sactuary in Lively being treated for mange and just released back into the wild in March or April.  When did she have the time to meet someone - but meet someone she did and now has a litter of kits somewhere.  I could see nipples on her stomach as she sat down in front of me   I gave her some liver and she proceeded to climb up on the picnic table and sat there and posed for me for about 10 minutes.  I just kept talking to her and she was relaxed - probably waiting to go back to her babies and just needed some peace and quiet for a moment.  She looks good!!

Maybe she will introduce me to her kits at some point in time...

Saturday, June 6, 2015


The kids are coming to visit us this summer and I have been slowly accumulating things I might need for the kids - like toys!!  I got  life jackets to fit them, 2 little chairs for them to sit on, a foam floor so that they don't scrape their little knees (but they may be walking by the time they get here…maybe) and some toys for them to play with.  I also got them a tent!!  A nice red lady bug tent that they can play in and Jodie said that they will like it.  I have already crawled in and I fit!!  So guess where I will be when they are in it … in there with them!!  If they let me...