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Thursday, December 31, 2015


May you live as long as you want
and never want as long as you live.

Being a lucky Grandma of these two little boys I thought I would share some funny pictures of them with you.  The locker pictures were taken at the Ikea store in Abu Dhabi.  Who needs toys when you have lockers to play with and parents who take the time to let you play.
And the last picture was just taken today - pizza for dinner on New Year's Eve that they helped make.  Must take after me with their love of pizza.  Jodie promised that we could have a pizza night when I go to visit again.  Can't wait!!!

Be safe tonite...

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


I had to go into town today to get some supplies - as you can see from the time stamp this picture was taken at 12:39 pm Tuesday afternoon - not too busy is it.  But we had just had about 6 to 7 inches of snow so people were probably digging themselves out so understandably it isn't too crowded on the street.
It is nice to see the snow back!

Monday, December 28, 2015


Lots of small branches all over the place - trees on wires everywhere.  Our power was out for 48 hours but we are lucky - some people once they had power lost it again.  The second picture is of a tree down across the road into Parker's which we took care of.  No damage done to any structures around here thank goodness.
Now it is getting colder!  -15 here this morning with a winter storm on the way for the next couple of days.  Looks like winter has returned…but the ice is trying - our lake has a thin skim of ice on it now but the other day there were open patches and Jobam (the middle picture below) is wide open and by now, in a normal winter, would be covered in a  layer of ice thick enough to handle ice fishermen and snowmobiles.  It has been a weird winter so far!

Friday, December 25, 2015


A delicious dinner of Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup by flashlight at home. We had to return home due to a fierce windstorm that knocked out the power to our little neighbourhood - actually all the way up to Ottawa and points in between. Our power is not expected to be restored until Boxing Day!!
Things could be worse!
Hope you had a Merry Christmas!!
And a great big thanks to all those linesmen working on Christmas Day to help restore the power!!!

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Thursday, December 24, 2015


The boys today in Abu Dhabi out for some adventures...

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I always make the cranberries. Love 'em!

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How better to wish everyone a Merry Christmas than with my own personal little elves, Charles and Montgomery better known as Charlie and Monty!

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New chairs

New Christmas chairs for Mrs P. They look great!

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Sunday, December 20, 2015


Poor Charlie - he just doesn't seem to like Santa.  Monty seems to be fine altho a little shy.

Yes they do have Santas in Abu Dhabi - their sleighs are pulled by camels!!!  Really!!


Had a get together at John and Linda's last nite - I brought my eggs which went well and Linda made her absolutely delicious Christmas rice krispie squares - sorry no pictures of those because I ate them all I think.  Just love them!!  John was outside BBQing in the snow - yes we have some snow but don't know how long it will last with the weather that is predicted for next week.  I took a picture of my sippy cup that I put my drink in - easy to keep track of and no one mistakes it for their drink -plus it is big!!!
We also celebrated Roger's birthday with dinner at the Carolyn Beach and cake back at Ute's - a Feraro Roche cake that was amazing that she made.  Happy Birthday Roger!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


So instead of Elf on the Shelf, we have Elf in the Window.  This is little Charlie showing the neighbourhood the latest outfit that Jodie has put him in.  I have to admit he is adorable but I am a little biased to say the least.
I am sure one day he will be having a discussion with her about all the stuff she dressed him up in.  But that is why they make kids so little so they can't fight back or object to the clothes.

Looks good on you Charlie!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2015


I saw him again today down on the septic bed and hanging around the cedars and spruce.  He seems to have made himself right at home and he even has a friend that comes around every once in a while because we have spotted the two of them a few times.  There is lots for him to eat and lots of shelter from the wind and rain.  In this picture he is drying himself off in the five minutes of sun we had the other day.  All fluffed up.
Maybe in the spring we will have a little partridge family...


Someone got a new truck for Christmas!!!!  And it is a beauty with all the bells and whistles that we are still playing with and learning how to work.  Today we found out that my little flip cell phone works in the truck for calls - I would have bet a ton of money it didn't but what do I know about that kind of stuff.  But it does - I was busy putting all our contacts in for future reference.  It has a back up camera that I found out really doesn't make me feel any safer when he backs up in the front yard.  I still panic and think we are going over the edge - my Father to thank for that twisted part of my life.
It is pretty much the same on the outside except for the step rail that now extends past the rear passenger door for easy access to the truck bed - I always had to climb up on the rear tire and hoist myself up and over into the back of the truck.  Should be easier now for me.  The tonneau cover is a soft top instead of the hard top we had on the old truck - it was heavy to handle by myself and very hot in the summer.  We will see how this one handles.  The gear shift is now a dial instead of the actual handle - that will take some getting used to.  And all the techy stuff - wow - there is a screen that displays everything - the climate controls, the media centre, the temperature inside and out and what direction we are heading in.  Talk about distracted driving.  You need a passenger just to help keep your eyes on the road there is so much to look at and touch and check but I think once you know what you are doing it should be ok. There is even voice activated controls that should be fun to play with.

I got to drive it part of the way home from the dealership - Algoma Chrysler in Sprague - a very pleasant buying experience and I highly recommend it if you are in the market for a new truck or car or jeep.  We will be going back for my new vehicle next year…

And as you can see there is not a speck of snow or ice around and it is December 13th!!!  Talk about global warming!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2015


Friday nite was the Thessalon MoonLight Madness event - we started with dinner at the Sinton Tavern and went shopping from there.  The guys headed on over to the curling club to wait for us.  Robin was really getting into the Christmas mood with her flashing Christmas sweater and her Christmas bulb earrings that really lite up.  All the stores in Thessalon stayed open later and offered wonderful sales for us bargoon shoppers.  Donna from the RiverValley Alpaca Farm had her display at the Creative basket.  She had her slippers, mitts and sox and insoles made out of warm soft alpaca wool and her famous goat soap that I love.  The volunteer fireman had a couple of bon fires going and Santa was at the library.  My favourite store was Forestland - I never leave that store without buying something - it has everything!!!
It is nice to support the local merchants!!!
After we met the guys at the curling club and headed home soon after that.  A good time was had by all...

Thursday, December 3, 2015


What better way to spend a holiday than at the beach on the Corniche in Abu Dhabi.  I would like to say that the boys got their love of the beach from my side of the family so I will.  This is a free beach so anyone can go and enjoy the sand and beautiful blue water.  And with Abu Dhabi's amazing skyscrapers in the background, it just adds to the beauty.  But I don't think the kids care much for the scenery.  They are just happy to be able to walk on the sand and pick up sea shells - just like Susan likes to do.
 Jodie said that there are beaches where there are bars, better washrooms, lounge chairs and parasols.  That might be more our style.  I will put it on our list of things to do when we go visit next year.
Can't wait to join the boys on the beach!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Had to head to Blind River this morning and couldn't resist the view on the river in the first picture.  The water was so calm it was like a mirror.  I like the "X" effect from the cracks in the rocks.
We got a double bunk of fire wood delivered today.  We used to take the trees down ourselves but as we got older we decided it was worth it to get the logs delivered and we will do the rest.  We will start blocking and splitting this pile next spring.  With these logs and what we have in the sheds and still stacked we have about 3 - 3 1/2 years worth.
We went exploring on the property this afternoon and I spotted this burl on a tree.  It is strange looking because the tree is so thin and it is supporting such a large burl.  We will see how large it grows.  And spotted this frozen waterfall on a rock face - small but along the highways there are some massive ones.  Always pretty to see.