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Saturday, December 31, 2016

2 0 1 7 ALREADY

I wish everyone a safe and Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Let your heart be light
From now on,
Our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas.

Through the years
We all will be together
If the Fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough
And have yourself a Merry Little Christmas now

Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year

Saturday, December 17, 2016


It was a combination party last night at the Wakomata Shores Resort - a birthday party for Roger and a meet and greet the new lodge owners Wendy and Kenny Forrest who have purchased the LimberLost Lodge from Ute.  It was night for celebrating new friends and a chance to be with our old friends.

One of our local talented ladies, Diana, painted a picture for Ute of a happy moment spent on the water with her first dog Sasha.  When she first unwrapped the painting, I thought it was a photograph.   It was beautiful and Ute was rendered speechless - but just for a moment.  I think Diana nailed it.  Beautiful work.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


It started out a nice clear morning for our trip into the Sault today but it certainly changed just a few miles before the Sault.  The dreaded snow squalls - lake effect snow blowing inland and I mean blowing.  It was horrible - we didn't really have a lot to do so we did it fast and got home at a decent hour.  But the driving in the city was pretty bad - hard to believe white outs in the city but it was. They closed highway 17 north because of whiteouts and Blind River and Sudbury were hit with their own white outs this morning.  You just have to slow down and drive according to the conditions.  But on the way home - just about where it started getting bad this morning - it started clearing up.  Then clear sailing until just before we got home - then we got some blowing snow.  And cold!!!  -13 but with that wind it was pretty cold!!!!


Not just one but a herd of them - 5 in total.  On our way to the Sault today, we spotted this group coming out of the bush and starting to cross the highway.  It was on the crest of a hill and I was a bit concerned that on coming traffic wouldn't be able to stop in time if they were going at a good speed.  But no deer were hurt this day and they all made it safely across - probably heading down to Iron Bridge for the winter.
See you next year - maybe.

Saturday, December 10, 2016


We helped our friends move today - well it wasn't really a big move - we just moved a bunch of boxes and some furniture and lots and lots of books!!  But there was lots of help so we only had to make one trip.  It is a beautiful home - lots of exposed wood and big rooms!  We put the beer on ice outside so it would be cold when we were finished working and Ute and Roger provided enough sandwiches to feed a small Italian village - catered by KP's - who have just taken over the old Sinton tavern.  Roger got the wood stove fired up but with all the beautiful windows overlooking the lake and the sun shining in it really wasn't needed but I love the heat from the wood stoves so I was assuming my favourite position standing right in front of it enjoying the heat.  The guys were walking around listening to Roger's vision of what they want to do to the house once they get settled.
It is a beautiful home and I am sure they will be very happy.

ps - there is a hot tub in the back yard that I want to try once they have it up and running

Thursday, December 8, 2016


We were invited over to John and Linda's house for dinner last Tuesday - chicken wings, french fries and devilled eggs and coleslaw.  Delicious.  She had an assortment of sauces for them but my favourite was TBQ's sauce which had a wee kick to it.  Doug couldn't wait for the rest of us to sit down but we made him get up so I could get the second picture.  We all had our fill plus desert of jello (my fav) and pumpkin pie with cool whip.  It was a treacherous ride home from the dinner.  The blowing snow made it almost impossible to see the road.  Thank goodness there was very little traffic and I was driving.  We all made it home safe.

And today was the Christmas edition of the Ladies Luncheon which was held at the 17 Restaurant in beautiful downtown Blind River.  It was a full house of 18 ladies from our area.  Everyone brought a gift costing no more than 10 dollars and then everyone picked a number.  I picked 19!!!  There was only 18 of us.  I figured it was going to be a long wait.  But in the end I got a much appreciated $10 Tim Horton gift card which I used already for $6.00 - Linda and I stopped there and got a bagel for me and a coffee and fritter for her and one for Rejean.  It is so nice to get together with all the other ladies in the area.  Just to touch base and see how everyone is doing and how their summers went.  
AND the food was excellent and the service even better.  We sometimes have a problem with establishments in the area accommodating such a large group.  But no problems here.  I highly recommend this restaurant - great fish and chips and home made bread.  I had a big bowl of beef barley soup and a poutine to go for Reagan's dinner.

Sunday, December 4, 2016


Friday nite was MoonLight Madness in Thessalon - all the stores are open late with sales and door prizes galore.  We first started the evening with dinner at the Sinton Tavern - it was the owners' last night open for business as they are now retired.  The Sinton will now be run by some locals who I am sure are going to be just as successful as Rudy and his wife.  After dinner the ladies hit the shops.  My favourite store is Forestland.  It is jammed full of lots of neat stuff - clothes, kitchen items, jewellery, baby stuff.  You name it they have it.  I can never go into that store without buying something.  Poor Diane broke a coffee cup - it is a very tight squeeze down some of those aisles and her purse just happened to catch the cup and down it went.  She felt so bad but the staff explained that it happens quite often.  I can believe that.  Next there was a craft display at the Legion so off we went.  Lots of nice stuff and I picked up a pair of earrings from one of the vendors.  Hand made and I love them.  Merry Christmas to me.
We finished the night at the curling club.  Not as many people downtown as previous years.  But to those of us who were there, we had a great time.  I like to support the local economy.


It was a social event at the dump yesterday.  There were piles of brush that were to be burned so they decided to make it a social gathering and provide hot dogs and a big bon fire to all those who dropped by.  It was a great day for it - hardly any wind and just at about 0 degrees C.  Due to the presence of fire, the Wharncliffe Fire Team were represented by a few of the volunteer fire men.  Brian manned the BBQ and you couldn't have chosen a better cook.  He had a way with those dogs.  He was constantly turning them and placing them in different areas of the BBQ and they turned out just fine.  There was never a long wait for the dogs.
We had a great time.  And when it got a bit cool I wandered as close to the fire as I could to warm up. I was looking around for a long poker because when there is a fire, I am the first one in there stirring it up and making sure it doesn't go out.  But I soon realized I was out of my league and left the fire tending to the professionals.
We had a great time.  Met the new lady in the neighbourhood - Julie - who raises Irish Wolfhounds!!  Diane and I are going to go over to see the puppies in January when one of the dogs has puppies.  Don't worry - an Irish Wolfhound is a little big for me but I bet the puppies are cute.