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Wednesday, February 22, 2017


I was sitting at the computer this morning when I was startled by a huge bang on the dining room window - at first I thought someone had thrown a stone at the window but then I realized it had been a bird.  I looked and it was a partridge which now lay in the snow unmoving.  I realized that it had hit with such force that it was probably dead.  I left it and when I looked back a few minutes later it had regained consciousness and was looking around.  Later it tried to fly but it had most likely broken its neck and died a few minutes later.
Not one to waste an opportunity like this, the bird was harvested and we enjoyed it before dinner dipped in maple syrup,  Marilou is still here and was very pleased with the unexpected treat we all enjoyed.

We think it was the same partridge that has been hanging around our property for a few years and we did feel bad about what happened but we must be prepared to make the most out of opportunities that present themselves - especially the ones that taste this good.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


This is a picture of Marilou in front of her new home in Elliot Lake which she just closed on today.  We just started looking yesterday and she fell in love with this house.  We returned today and put her offer in and voila!!!  She got it.
We had an amazing real estate broker from Remax Realty - Mr. Lindsay Burke.  He took us around yesterday to about 8 houses and was very patient and answered any and all questions we had about the houses and the city of Elliot Lake.  He was aware of what Marilou wanted and he provided the exact house that she needed.  She wanted her privacy, a home near the green spaces in the city, 3 bedrooms and a good neighbourhood.  And she got that and more.  Lindsay was professional and made the process very enjoyable.  If you are in need of a realtor in the Elliot Lake area please do not hesitate to give him a call 705-848-4705 at his office or check out his listings at

Marilou is very happy which makes us very happy!!

Friday, February 17, 2017


And then this happened.  This was my latest picture of the kids from Jodie.  And it is a good one.

That is Charlie - deep in concentration - carefully running over Monty with his motorcycle we got him for Christmas.

Talk about a speed bump!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Enjoy the day with your Valentine!!

Monday, February 13, 2017


Could not believe the size of the snow drifts in the Sault today.  There is so much snow they don't know what to do with it.  The snow on the roofs is amazing and I am sure if nothing is done there will be a lot of collapsed roofs to deal with.  The piles of snow are down all the side streets and some of them are only wide enough for one vehicle.
And there is still more winter to come...

Sunday, February 12, 2017


Headed over to the Wharncliffe Hall for a Sweetheart Dinner put on by the Ladies.  It was only one sitting - at 4:30 - and it was a full house.  There was fish, lasagna, pirogi, meatballs, rice and salads and the best desert ever - fruit and a chocolate fondue!!  I had 2 bowls of desert!!  There was melon, strawberries, pineapple, bananas and kiwi!!  Everything was delicious.

Well Done Ladies!!!

-if you look in the bottom picture, you will see my new car - the Jeep next to the Ford truck on the right - with the headlights on.  That is my new car!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2017


After the day we had yesterday, today was a treat.  Sunny skies and a temperature about 0.  After spending the morning getting rid of the snow we got yesterday, we headed to the dump - I had a ton of stuff after cleaning out closets and my pantry.  Lots of stuff I have no idea why I had them in the first place.
After lunch we knew we had to get outside and enjoy this beautiful day.  We started out snowshoeing on the lake but soon headed back to the garage and got the snowmobile going.  Smart move.  We zoomed around the lake about a zillion times - I go faster than Rejean - he is a bit slow.
I had no fear of going thru the ice.  I never go out on the lake before February - just in case...
Tomorrow is the Sweetheart Dinner at the Hall.  I hear we are going.

Monday, February 6, 2017


It was Super Bowl Party at John and Linda's last nite.  In the past we have always gone to Bob's garage to watch the game but Bob is in Windsor this year.  He was missed.
There was, as usual, too much food.  I made a chili plus some chili for the chili dogs, there was chicken legs and sweet and sour chicken pieces, cole slaw and veggie sticks and dips.  Not to mention the deserts!!!
Also in attendance was a very cute 8 week old Bernese Mountain dog named Daisey May.  I got down on her level to get some shots.  She put up with me and the flash for a little while, then got up and moved away.
It was a great game and for the first half my team was winning.  But in the end the win went to the team that deserved it.  I learned a few new things - such as the 2 point conversions and that once that ball is over the goal line - even if it is pulled or pushed back - it still counts as a touch down.  It was a good game!!!
We spent the night at John and Linda's because I had a few drinks and didn't want to drive home.  They fed us breakfast!!  It was very good and we enjoyed our sleepover.  We will definitely do that again!!

Friday, February 3, 2017


It is my birthday today - number 64!!  When did that happen?

I keep waiting to feel old but so far I don't.  I find myself doing some things slower than before but it doesn't really matter - the things still get done.

I love my grey hair!!  This is how I am supposed to look when I am 64.

I am happy and healthy - I am blessed.

Thursday, February 2, 2017


Done!!!  It took us about a week of work to get our ceiling done upstairs.  Lots of prep work as new trim was needed in the kitchen.  Then the trim around the ceiling had to be taken down carefully so they wouldn't be destroyed and new ones would have to be made.  Only one cracked but it was easily fixed.  Lots of ladder work and removal of the ceiling fans and light fixtures but that gave me a chance to clean them.  Very Very happy with the results.  Makes it really bright up here.

Our next project is in the discussion stage right now.  And we are keeping it a secret...