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Sunday, February 25, 2018


Our old quads were 16 years old and mine was not in the best of condition after a botched oil change by a business that should have known better (I will not mention any name)  It was finally brought back to life by Barry, who is now the new owner of the Honda 250 4-Trax.  I had been using Stacey's 350 Yamaha but always worried that I would somehow damage it.  And Reagan's Yamaha had issues.  We now have new 2018 Yamaha 450 Kodiacs in a sharp flat grey colour.  Power steering and a winch on each one.  I rode it up and down the driveway and can't wait for the snow to melt so I can get on the trails.
It is going to be a good year for quading...


Rejean was out blowing snow this afternoon and ran into a little problem.  He had slid to the side of the driveway and couldn't get out.  He came and got me at the house after he had rigged up the tow rope and all I had to do was get in the truck and pull him out.
Mission accomplished

Sunday, February 18, 2018


A nice day so off we went to do some ice fishing.  We got all set up and waited - and waited - and waited.  Rejean got a hit but that was all.  No fish were harmed today.  But maybe tomorrow because we are headed out again.  To a different lake tho.  We still have minnows left!!
Notice my tiny beverage stuck in the snow to stay cold.  It was a sample mojito and it was pretty good.  I might take some Fireball with me tomorrow...


Just a couple more of the boys on a visit to the desert - these kids have such a hard life.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Haven't posted pictures of the boys for a while so what better way of wishing everyone a Happy Valentines Day than using my little Valentines.

I can see they enjoy the beach just like me.  That is the sweet little Charlie Barley in the red and the cutie pie Monty Moo in the white.  I stand by my declaration of identity.

I hope you get to spend your Valentines Day with your Valentine.