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Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Up at the crack of dawn for our first time fishing on the boat.  Beautiful morning and the lake was very calm - the mosquitos were bad at the launch but out on the water they were not an issue.
I got the first fish in the boat - a nice walleye near Grand Falls camp.  We got 4 all together there and the other two at other spots.  We cruised around after we finished fishing to try out the boat.  It was perfect!!  Looking forward to many more mornings and afternoons fishing in our new boat.


Went over to Joanne's and cut the grass and checked out the place.  the grass wasn't too bad and between the two of us, we had it done in no time.  She even has some Lady's slippers coming up.  And there is an infestation of tent caterpillars around here right now.  They are everywhere.  We were driving on 129 and saw stuff on the road and wondered what it was.  We thought it was the buds from the trees but when we stopped to have a closer look, they were thousands and thousands of caterpillars crossing the road - and not just in one spot - in a lot of spots down the highway.  They certainly can eat a lot of leaves on trees.  Some are completely bear.  They come in 10 year cycles and we just happen to be in the 10th year I guess.  they will be spinning their cocoons soon and then the moths will laying their eggs for the cycle to start all over again.  UGHHH

Sunday, May 27, 2018


We worked all day long.  I started planting my pots but Rejean needed me to help install the guards on the quads - never knew my head could fit between the tires and the fender.  I bailed the boat out and I swear there was about 4-5 inches of water in there.
We then helped put fill in front of the new out house we have been building for the past week or so.  Everyone has been helping.  Looks great!!  Rick is painting the inside white to brighten it up.  And it has a trailer door with a screen door.  It will look great when it is done.
And then just a shot of the skulls on the old out house - talk about unique decoration.
Relaxing tonite.

Friday, May 25, 2018


You knew it was going to be a good evening's fishing when Rejean's first cast produced a beautiful walleye.  Everyone caught fish which is also a good thing.  I started off on the rocks but quickly joined the guys when I wasn't even getting hits.  A smart move because I caught a few nice ones in my spot as you can see.  I lost a jig and switched to my usual hook and a worm and splitshot.  Always works for me and I always push down the barb on the hook.  I don't like to have to work at removing the hook and I don't think the fish like it either. You just have to keep a tight line.   Can you tell I was happy about my catches?
I gave the Pike to my friend to eat.  Plus a few bass.  The rest we kept so that we have enough to feed the masses this summer.  Monty and Charlie love fish.
Tonite is the fish fry at the Thessalon Legion.  Always good!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


When Jodie left last year she gave us some money to buy a flag pole.  We got it thru Harbour Freight in the states and just installed it this week.  We had the cement mixer for Rick's new outhouse so it was a perfect time.
We chose to fly the Ontario flag rather than the Canadian Maple Leaf flag.  We live in Ontario and you see the Maple Leaf  everywhere so we thought this would be something different.
You can see it as soon as you come up the hill and arrive at the house.  And you will be able to see it from almost everywhere on the lake.
I like it!!  Thank you Jodie and Dave and Charlie and Monty of course.  Can't wait for you to see it!!

Monday, May 21, 2018


Rick was the lucky one out fishing the other nite.  We all caught fish which is always a good thing.  I got a small pike and the guys got about 3 more - one a good size.  It was slow and then just as it started to get dark, Rick hooked into his.  It really didn't fight but he could tell it was a good one.  Rejean netted it and I got it on film so to speak.
We put it in the basket in our lake over night - that is why I could get a day light picture of the beauty.

Nice Fish Rick!!

Saturday, May 19, 2018


I am very fortunate to have some very talented photographers in my immediate family and I just happen to have one up this week take some pictures and share with me.  I have her permission to use them on my blog.  Credit to Renee Pomerleau for these two beautiful pictures of my home.
We don't get to see the whole sunset but the skies light up every so often with magnificent blues and oranges and sometimes reds.  I love it on a still evening where the sky is reflected on the lake.
The next picture is one I don't see too often because I am usually in bed.  But when I do stay up, I am in awe every time looking at the night sky with all the stars.  We don't have light pollution up here in the boonies so it is perfect viewing.  The second picture was taken at the end of my driveway looking north on Highway 129.


Friday, May 18, 2018


It is my sister Susan's birthday today.

I wish you many more walks on the beach and many more shells to be discovered.

I wouldn't be the me I am without you and Joanne.  I love you, Susan.

2 of 3

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Took a ride up to Pig Pen last nite just to check it out - it was really running fast.  It is one of the prettier spots up here at any time but in the spring it is always a must see.  During the summer months people run their kayaks and canoes thru here - I haven't done that yet but there is always a first time for anything...


North Shore Fisheries were at it again this week.  We stocked 800 Lake Trout in Axe Lake.  And we had a lot of help.  Word gets around that we would be in the area so a lot of the locals came out to help unload the tank.
We couldn't get into where we usually unload so we had to improvise - I am sure the owner recognizes this property and is ok with us using his launch and dock.  Mark even retrieved a chair that had blown off the dock.  It wouldn't have gone very far as there was a rope tied to the leg.  It is safely back on the dock.
These fish need a couple of years to grow to the size that fisher people like to catch.  They were beauties.  A few of them stayed close to shore so my job was to encourage them to swim further out into the lake.  And I only saw one dead one so that is a good sign that these were good healthy fish.

Monday, May 14, 2018


A sweet 2014 16 foot Legend with a 60 HP Mercury motor for fishing in comfort on the local lakes and maybe even the big lakes.
We had been looking for a while and then this beauty just fell into our arms - almost new with only 30 hours on it.
And apparently the motor is powerful enough to pull a tube around - good to know with the kids coming in July...