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Wednesday, February 27, 2019


The first picture is of Sandy at an ice formation on our way from town.  Quite amazing.
The next one is on our lake the day Barry and Sandy first put on snowshoes.  The snow was very deep.  The next picture is of Steve's place at the end of the lake.  Going to need to do some digging if you want to get thru that front door.  Snow is piled high on the deck.
And the last picture is of Mary standing in front of a pile of snow in her front yard.  Ron has a tractor like Rejean that has a show blower attachment and this is this winter's accumulation.  And we are getting another dumping today and this weekend.  No telling how high that pile will get.


Barry and Sandy are up for a visit and we went snow shoeing on Jobam.  Ron had his "Northern Uber" out just in case we got tired.  Sandy took advantage of this ride sharing program and got a lift back to the garage.  The rest of us slogged on thru the snow and arrived shortly after to a nice warm resting place and I had a nice cold beer.

Barry and Sandy were supposed to leave today but due to the weather, they are staying another day.  Just enough time to have another rip roaring game of Uno at Ron and Mary's.  I don't want to sit next to Ron and Mary doesn't want to sit next to Rejean and Barry doesn't want to sit next to Ron either.  should be fun...

Saturday, February 16, 2019


Looked out the side window and spotted this little guy/girl doing some grooming in the tree right beside the window.  My camera was right there so I snapped a picture.  Even got the little pink tongue in the photo.  He must be taking a break from all their eating of the black oil sunflower seeds scattered around the place.  I don't mind them at all because they haven't gotten into any mischief around here.  But when they do, it is game over for them...

Friday, February 15, 2019


We have so much snow right now it is even impressing us Northerners who are used to a lot of snow. As Ron says, this is a "real" winter!!
Someone on Facebook says it is like we are in a snow globe and someone keeps shaking it.  You can stop now!!
But it is pretty...

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


It has been snowing to beat the band lately and the amount of snow on the roofs of the trailers around here need to be cleared.  Rejean took the snowmobile to the other property and took the phone with him in case he got stuck.  Well, he called.  The snow at the other garage was pretty deep and he got stuck trying to make the turn.  I got on my trustee handmade snowshoes and made the trek over there.  I tramped down the snow in front of the machine to meet the trail he made on the way in.  It took some lifting and struggling but we got it unstuck.  I was lucky in the shovelling department.  He only brought one shovel with him so I just watched and tramped.
My snowshoes were made over 20 years ago by a man in Newfoundland.  I saw a Land and Sea program on him and how he made them.  I contacted him and had two pairs made and shipped to us.  They are very well made and will probably outlive the both of us.
We are in the middle of another snow storm today.  And we haven't lost power - yet!!!

And that pile of wood under all that snow is just waiting for spring to become our next couple of years' supply of fire wood.

Monday, February 11, 2019


We just got back from 10 glorious days in Mexico!  Our resort was south of Cancun and the weather was great - only 20 minutes of rain the whole time we were gone.  And we missed the rotten weather here at home.
We went on a catamaran cruise one day with 12 other guests from the resort.  The first picture is of our guide Pepe.  Pepe and his crew treated us like gold.  He escorted a group of people on a snorkel expedition to a reef and then treated us to a delicious lunch on the public beach.  After which there was time - and the weather permitted - rides on the spinachter.  I chose just to watch as I value my life too much to do that.  But the people who were brave enough had a thrilling ride.  Pepe even brought up a Star Fish to show us.  It was immediately returned to the sea.
There were a number of "locals" hanging around.  I was surprised at the size of one of the Iguanas.  There were also a number of smaller ones lounging around.  I did take a banana and grapes to feed them one day.  They do like their fruit!
We were treated like Kings and Queens by the staff.  It is a smaller resort so that everyone knows your name on the second day, what you like to drink and eat and that you like the salt and pepper on the table.  All the guests were like friends at the end of our 10 days.  We had dinner out with a couple we met from England and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
But we did have to come home to reality.  -13C when we landed and tons and tons of snow and ice.

There's no place like home...