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Wednesday, May 29, 2019


First off, it is not all fun and games up here.  There is work to be done between our fishing adventures.  Rejean and Rick rigged something up to help Rick trim his cedar hedge around his trailer.  The cedars have grown so high it is difficult to trim them.  But put two brothers together and this was bound to happen.  Worked like a charm!!  And we are still working on the wood.  A couple of hours every few days and we are almost done.

It was a good night last night for us fishing.  It was overcast so we could start fishing earlier.  As soon as we got there, they were biting.  And the bass were out.  I landed a big bass right off the bat then the guys took over.  Rejean got a nice walleye and Rick got 3 smaller walleye plus a lot more bass.  The black flies were out in full force as well.  I think I have gotten to the point where they really don't bother me that much - unless I inhale one or it buzzes in my ear or nose.  Ugh.  But the mosquitoes aren't out yet - at least around here.  The fiddle heads were just starting.  I know they are good to eat but where do you even begin???
Our bikes were a mess as there were some deep puddles on the trail in.  But that is what makes it fun!!

Sunday, May 26, 2019


We have had a great two mornings fishing on Tunnel Lake.  Both mornings we were on the water by 6:30am at least.  Rick, Rejean and I have done very well.  Everyone has caught good fish.  I caught 3 jumbo perch and Rick caught a big bass and some amazing walleye.  Enough for a meal for the three of us and then with Joanne and Mitch tonite had a great meal.
Nothing like fresh caught walleye for dinner.

Thursday, May 23, 2019


We helped stock a few streams in the area with about 4,000 little rainbow trout.  Again the bugs weren't out so everyone enjoyed themselves.  One stop we had to carry pails of fish to the stream but the other two stops we hosed them in.  Easy.  On the way back we stopped and checked out Pig Pen Chute but it was still running wild.


It was nice out last nite after dinner so we headed out for a walk.  The bugs weren't bad so we did go across to the mine side.  The first picture is one of my favourite roots own a stump.  Looks like an alien leaning over the stump, long legs and all.  Don't ask me why i think that.
And no traffic last nite - hardly.  A few cars but you can hear them coming a mile away.  Years ago we used to lie in the middle of the road at night and look at the stars.  We had tons of time to get out of the way of the cars and trucks that came along.
Worked on wood today and the bugs were out.  I have a few black fly bites already.  Not very pleasant but it is part of the joys of living up here.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Keith has a new guard Dragon at the Tunnel Lake Trading Post.  It is a magnificent Dragon that he will chain up to welcome riders to Ontario's Tail of the Dragon.  With miles of twists and turns that follow the Mississagi River along our Highway 129 from Thessalon, it is a bikers' paradise.  He has ordered another one so the pair will welcome all visitors to the Post.


Finally started on the double bunk of wood we got last fall.  With Rick's help we had quite the production line going.  Rick drove the tractor and I was responsible for placing the hook onto the logs and walking it over to the saw horse contraption and Rejean marked it in 16" sections and blocked it with the chainsaw.  We got a good amt done.  By the time Rick and I returned with a new log, Rejean had finished sawing and tossing the logs into the pile and was ready for our log.
I only bumped my head once on the bucket and the next time Rejean will lengthen the chain on the hook so I will have a little more room under the bucket when placing the hooks on the log.  Hard on the back!!
I figure another 5 days and we should have it all blocked and ready to split.

Saturday, May 18, 2019


My first fish of the season!!  We were on the road at 6:30am and I got this guy shortly after we arrived.  Rick got one a little later and that was it - the Fishing Gods cut us off.
They were delicious...

Thursday, May 16, 2019


Took a ride up the highway the other evening to check out a fishing spot of ours - Pig Pen Chute.  It was just roaring.  No shoreline in the bay and my favourite rock was no where to be seen - under the water.
I think we may have to wait a while, while the river calms down.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Spotted this little guy on our driveway this afternoon.  I have been watching for turtles and snakes as the weather has finally turned nice and almost warm - the bugs are out!!
He wasn't as big as we usually see but nonetheless a good size snapper.  Rejean got the tote and gentle nudged him into it.  At one point when he raised the tote, this little guy's face was smushed on the bottom.  But he quickly re-adjusted himself for the ride to Hooverville.
Once there, he was gently released to go where ever he or she wanted to.
I have a feeling this won't be our last re-location...