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Sunday, June 30, 2019


Poor little Charlie had a fever but is feeling much better now before his big trip to Canada.
And Grandma had to cut their pancakes into triangles  before they would eat them. I could barely keep up.

Friday, June 28, 2019


Time for a bike ride with Dad this morning while the girls relax and Jodie gets out the suitcases. A balmy 39 C heading to a high of 44. Another Brunch today for the adults and the kids have a babysitter. Tomorrow the water park!  On Tuesday Joanne and I are taking the kids to see Toy Story 4 so Jodie can have time to herself to pack for the long journey home early Wednesday morning. What an amazing adventure I have had!!!

Thursday, June 27, 2019


Played hide and seek first thing this morning with this little dinosaur. I was u see the covers nd they couldn’t find me. Haha
Then snacks. Hummus and pitas and peanut butter roll ups. I am a professional snack maker now!

Monday, June 24, 2019


Joanne and I visited the Grand Mosque last night. What an amazing place. Beautiful at that time of night. Joanne got a video of the Mosque during the call to prayer. Gave me goosebumps it was so peaceful.  


Abu Dhabi Fun

Having a great time with the kids. Took them to the pool today with Joanne and forgot their hats and goggles and snorkels and wipes.  Sending the two Scott sisters who have never had children of their own was a big leap for Jodie. But all is well. Kids even got a treat at Spinnys. Had to ask for some wipes for their little faces. Haha
I keep looking at my watch wondering if it is time for a beverage!
DubI was wonderful. We did a Hop On and Hop Off Bus Tour. The only way to see Dubai without a car
Have heard very little about what is happening in this part of the world but whatever it is, we are safe
More later and I will try and get a picture or two to post.  This is not my usual Blog foremat so I don’t know what to do but when I get home I will make up for it

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


Joanne and I are all packed and ready to go.  Seems like it has just snuck up on us.  I have a suitcase with all the stuff Jodie ordered on-line and delivered to me to bring back to her.  It is very expensive to ship anything over there.  Her suitcase weights 45.6 pounds - under the 50 pound limit.  My suitcase is below that I think because it isn't near as heavy as hers.
We board the plane in the Sault at 9:55 am tomorrow, Wednesday and arrive in Abu Dhabi on Thursday 7:30 pm their time which is 11:30 am our time.  A little confusing but they are 8 hours ahead of us.
We have a 5 hour layover in Toronto but Joanne has access to the Air Canada Lounge.  We fly out of Toronto at 4:30 to Frankfurt, then on to Abu Dhabi.  No direct flight for me!!!
Jodie has planned to go to a "Brunch" on Friday.  Abu Dhabi's brunches are epic.  It includes all your drinks and food and it lasts all afternoon.  A good way to cure our jet lag.  I hope we cab it!!!
Sunday, Joanne and I head to Dubai for a few days of sight seeing.  I have booked a "hop on hop off" bus tour for 2 days.  A good way to see the sights when you don't have a car.  And every night in Dubai is Ladies' Night!!  Free drinks and discounted food!!  We will also do the Burj Khalifa, the tallest structure in the world.  They have an observation deck located on there 124th floor which is located at a height of 488 metres.
The next weekend we are off to the Tilal Liwa Hotel in the Rub Al Khali desert for an overnite stay.
Plus all the fun we will have with Monty and Charlie, the reason for our visit.

THEN, we fly back with Jodie and the boys on July 3rd and they will be with us for 3 weeks here.
It is going to be an adventure!!!!

ps - the average daily temperature right now in Abu dhabi is about 40 degrees C during the day and about 31 degrees C at night - I won't need my hoodie!!!

Saturday, June 1, 2019


The double bunk in the top picture is now a huge pile of blocked wood in the second picture.  Finished it up today in four hours just before it got too hot and the bugs weren't that bad.  We figure it was about 24 hours of work to get it all done.  Without Rick's help driving the tractor, I am sure it would have taken double the time with just the two of us.
It is always nice to see that last log loaded on the sawhorse...

It was the May Fish Fry at the Thessalon Legion on Friday night - always a big turnout.  As usual, the rowdies had their own table set up in the basement near the bar.  They know how to treat their best customers.  And among the group upstairs was Michael Mantha, our MP, who is always around when there is something going on.  I caught him in the kitchen with Sheila who doubles as my mail lady.

And also managed to get a picture of 3 humming birds feeding at the same time.  How rare is this!!  Usually they are trying to impale each other and chasing each other away from the feeder.  And, altho is it a bit blurry, a ring necked snake make an appearance on the cement outside the front door.  First one I have seen this year and I have been looking.  I got him a piece of earthworm but he ignored it and slowly slithered away searching for his own dinner.  I hope to see more of them this year, especially when the kids are here.  They would enjoy it.