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Saturday, July 20, 2019


Joanne and I went halfers on these two little sit-on kayaks for the grand kids.  Joanne's grandsons come after ours go so it works out perfectly.  We surprised Charlie and Monty yesterday at Parker's and they were off and paddling.  It is amazing how fast they caught on - especially Monty.  He could do turns and paddled backwards.  They were hard to keep up with.  The wind unfortunately picked up during their paddle so it was a bit difficult for them.  But we will take them on Cheney today where it is a bit calmer.  Jodie and I will be in our kayaks and Rejean will follow us with the big boat.
They sure had fun in them.  A great deal at $69 US at Meijer's in the states.

Sunday, July 14, 2019


Freezees after dinner on the swing with their beloved “Mina” after a busy day at Parker’s.  The adults in the sunroom with our “freezees”. 

Monday, July 8, 2019


I got the kids fishing rods before they came.  Spiderman for the boys and Frozen for little Elsa.  We gave them to them yesterday and they practiced their casting.  They took a few minutes but they soon had it down pat.  The boys are naturals and Elsa is pretty good too.  Today, they went out on the water.  Rejean took Charlie out with a floating lure on the Spiderman rod.  They were out for about 1/2 hour and caught a small bass and then a beautiful walleye.  He reeled them in all by himself and he was so proud and excited.  I took Elsa out but put a hook and split shot and a worm on her Frozen rod.  I also pushed the barb down.  It took 2 minutes from the time we left the dock to the time the fish was in the boat.  Another beautiful walleye and she reeled it in all by herself as well.  She was done and didn't want to fish anymore.  Mission accomplished!!  Just saying the girls know how to fish and what to use for bait to get the job done.  Ha ha.  Monty was sleeping during all the excitement so he gets his turn tomorrow.  So much fun to see kids get their first fish and the excitement and joy in their faces.  Almost as much joy and excitement in my face.  They are hooked for life!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Hard to believe that three weeks have passed already. Seems like we just got here!
Our flight out of AbuDhabi leaves at 2:35 am tonite and flies to Munich where we get our connecting flight to Toronto where we meet up with Jodie’s best friend Al and her little girl Elsa. All 7 of us on the flight to the Sault where we arrive finally at 7:38 pm on Wednesday night.  It will take 2 trucks to collect us. Plus the guys will need todo some shopping before we arrive. 
It is going to be a busy three more weeks!!

The bread in the first picture is of Arabic bread Dave brought home last nite. It is the best bread I have ever tasted and I blew my whole 2 months of Cheeto Keto on it. When you are going to cheat, cheat with the good stuff!!  I did!