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Monday, November 30, 2020


Jodie sent this picture of poor Fudge, the boys'  Elf on the Shelf.  Apparently, he has to quarantine  for 14 days ...


Because of Covid, we are staying home for Christmas this year so that means we get to cut our first Christmas tree down on our property.  We have been looking for a few weeks and have spotted a few that we like so today we headed out and picked one out and brought it home.  A perfect height and just enough "Charlie Brown Christmas Tree" for Stacey's liking.  It gets decorated tomorrow.  Pictures to follow.


The squirrel has been getting into the "squirrel proof" bird feeder for a few days now.  Every time Rejean sees it, he goes out to shoo him away.  The squirrel waits until the last second before he squeezes himself between the bars and jumps to safety.  We had put the metal guard on the feeder a week or so ago to stop him from climbing up the pole.  Rejean had even tried spraying the pole with Pam so it would be too slippery for the squirrel to climb.  Today we figured the squirrel was climbing up the pole and hang on to the bolt on the underside of the steel sheeting and pulls himself over the steel sheeting to the feeder.  Rejean got out his tools and cut the bolts off.  So far no squirrel but time will tell... 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


Today was the day we put the boat away in the Sea Can.  It is a very tight fit - less than 1 inch at the front and back and about 3 inches on the sides.  The nose of the trailer hitch "folds" to the side and if it didn't it wouldn't fit.  The snowmobile is now in the other garage ready to bring over for the winter in case we use it.  

I also made my Christmas urn with all the white birch and greenery I collected and I must say it turned out pretty good.  Looks amazing next to my pumpkin that is still solid.  You really can't screw it up.  You just stuff branches and add some colour and voila!!  I still have lots of logs and branches left to make a few more decorations.  

Tomorrow we pressure wash the tractor and quads as it will be a lot warmer than today.  It was -10 and breezy all day.  The lake is starting to ice over in the bays and along the shores.  And we got the bird feeder up - picture tomorrow. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020


It was a beautiful day on Saturday so we decided to go get some white birch for our Christmas DIY porch decorations.  Susan made one and it was beautiful so I Googled some ideas and off we went.  It was down a local logging road where they push the trees over when they make new roads.  We had spotted this area when we were out looking for birds (which we never found) so we didn't kill any living trees.  Even Sam found a stick he liked.  Rejean had his chain saw and it made harvesting our selection very easy.  We got some nice logs and branches.  Rejean made a side table for Stacey out of a log and one log was chosen for my centrepiece with some holes drilled for some small candles.  I intend to add some tiny lights and ribbons and berries.  I know that these white birch logs and branches are quite expensive down south.  We are fortunate to be able to get these at no cost.

And to top off the weekend, we celebrated Stacey's birthday.  She had some wine.  LOL

PS  a message to Anonymous; Thank you very much for letting me know about Janis.  I appreciate it 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


It started when I asked my sisters who had the picture of our Father in his RCAF uniform.  Joanne had it plus a few more which led to the following pictures.  It was a day of some good feelings.

 My Mom and Dad's wedding pictures.  It has been a very long time since I have seen these pictures.  they were so young and happy on this special day.  Their good friends Iola and Pete Heaton were their Maid of Honour and Best Man.  The top picture was taken at my Grandmother's house in her dining room and we commented we could remember the wall paper and the china and red lantern lights that Susan now has.  

Joanne also shared the newspaper clipping of when my Father made the first night landing on Pelee Island to bring a young girl back to Windsor because she had swallowed some pills and needed to be brought to the Hospital in a hurry.  My Father worked for Leavens Brothers at the airport and flew the mail to the Island.  He also took hunters to the Island during hunting season.  I remember seeing pheasants in the sink downstairs that the hunters had given him. 

 It was during the night and it was arranged that a few cars on the Island were lined up along the runway so Father could see where to land as there were no lights at the small airport at that time.  He said the return flight took only 35 minutes.  He was a hero and we were so proud of him.

It was nice to see the old photos and remember them.  I miss them.

Friday, November 6, 2020


November 6th and the guys went fishing today.  It got up to around 17 degrees and nice and sunny.  The fish weren't jumping in the boat but everyone caught some.  Roger got a nice pike!  Rejean got snags!!  HaHa.  I worked around the house getting rid of my flowers and raking the pine needles.  I met them at Hooverville around 2pm.  They had been out at 8am.  Too nice to come in.  They had 5 in the boat but one was pretty small so I released him in our lake and he swam away without a care in the world.  

We had the fish for dinner tonite and they were delicious!!!!