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Thursday, December 31, 2020



Wishing all my Friends and Family a very Happy Healthy and Safe New Year.  We have all been thru hell and back this year and the majority of us have managed to survive the year obeying all the social distancing and mask wearing and hand washing and hand sanitizer suggestions made by the  professionals.  We are the fortunate ones.  We are still here.  2021 has to be better.  I miss my friends and family and my travels with my Sisters.  I miss hugging Charlie and Monty.  I miss seeing everyone.

Here's to 2021!!  Cheers!!

Thursday, December 24, 2020



Wishing everyone a Merry Safe and Healthy Christmas!

Thursday, December 17, 2020



Fun with the woodpeckers.  We have two hanging around since we put the suet in a hanging cage so the squirrels and blue jays can't steal it.  I thought they would get along but I was wrong.  But it seems they only fight when they are close to the feeder.  

Dinner at Roger and Ute's last night and after we drove past Mayor Rozenburg's house down the road.  It is beautiful!!  All the lights are so colourful.   There are no street lights so the decorations really stand out. They really do a good job and I am sure it is a must see for the residents of Thessalon.

Then on the way home the Tunnel Lake Trading Post is all lit up for Christmas.  Keith does a wonderful job every year.  Always nice to come around the bend and see the beautiful lights.

Saturday, December 12, 2020


 Well, the first picture is of the squirrel on the bird feeder.  Foiled again!!  We didn't see how he got up there so the saga continues...

We helped our friends transfer their wood from their yard to the garage yesterday.  Thanks goodness Ron had a tractor which made our job much more easier.  And it was a nice sunny day to boot - unlike today where we have snow - finally.

Jobam is iced over but I wouldn't be walking out there any time soon.  It will take a few more cold days and nights for the ice to be safe.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Rejean put the lights up because I hate doing that.  400 little multi colour lights from Walmart on 8 strings.  I put the decorations on.  I bought a couple of containers of white and red bulbs last year and I had apples from when we lived in Windsor.  I also had some custom bulbs from a local lady that I purchased a few years ago.  And finally my red cardinal as the topper.  It is not done until he goes up.  I have a red buffalo plaid table cloth that I will put around the bottom closer to Christmas.  A regular tree skirt is going for $50-$75 which is too expensive for me.  

Now that the tree is up and my other decorations are out, it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas - except for no snow!!  Usually we have a ton out there by now.  It is coming...