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Monday, January 25, 2021



Worked on the new kitchen counter top and sink today.  It was beginning to be the counter top from hell but in the end, we are happy with the result.  We ordered the countertop from a local hardware store and it came in 3 pieces, not wrapped and we had to ask for the clamps.  It is a fairly large U shaped counter and we had a heck of a time connecting the pieces and trying to get the seams as smooth as possible.  We eventually settled for what we had done.  It was difficult and we wished it had come preassembled like our original countertop.  But we got it in place reasonably easy and we are happy with the results.  The sink is a dream.  It is nice and deep and a beautiful colour.  I have a soap dispenser and the faucet is one that you can pull the spout out and it retracts.  It certainly spiffs up my kitchen.  Tomorrow we will hook up the water and drains.  

Saturday, January 23, 2021


 Jodie has been sending us lots of pictures of the boys and what they have been up to during this pandemic.  Things are just as bad over there as they are here.  But they are all managing to stay busy.  Dave takes them fishing and they have become quite the little fishermen.  Rejean is very happy about that as am I.  Just wait until they finally come here for their summer vacation.  We are so ready to get them out fishing the lake and the river.  

They are into Lego and have completed a few complicated sets.  Keeps them busy - for a while.  HaHa.  Jodie has always had crafts for them to do at home and they really enjoy creating all sorts of pictures and paintings.  

And they love their bikes!!  They live in a gated community so the roads aren't as busy.  Dave and Jodie also have bikes so they go out together to explore the areas.

They never got to Canada last year because of the pandemic so we have our fingers crossed that this year will be safer for them to travel.  I miss their little kisses and hugs.

Thursday, January 14, 2021


 It has been a busy 2021 so far for me.  I headed down to Gorrie Ontario to visit my sister Susan who slipped and fell in town and broke her right shoulder in three places.  I helped out as best I could.  Mostly carrying her little dog, Poop, down the stairs and lifting her up on the couch and letting her outside and then letting her back inside and lifting her up onto Susan's bed.  I am tired just telling you about it.  Poop is 14 years old and is really showing her age.  Her and Susan are joined at the hip and EVERYWHERE Susan goes Poop has to go too.  We drove to Goderich and picked upon Shelley and her dog Doc - his picture is on top.  He is a St Bernard.  Now I love dogs and I love Doc but boy that dog can drooooool.  I had a towel but whenever I went to wipe off the droooool, he thought we were going to play tug of war with the towel.  Susan is getting better every day and can do a few little circles with her arm.  I told her how important doing her physiotherapy will be when she can finally get her doctor's ok to do it.  It is her drinking arm and 4 wheel throttle arm so she has to get better.

The bottom picture is of beautiful Shelley Welley and Aubrey on her lap and brave little Alivia with her Unicorn.

I got home in time for our Province wide lock down.  Living where we do, it really doesn't affect us until we have to go to town which we did this morning.  We had ordered a sink and they called yesterday that it was in.  It is curb side pick up at the Thessalon Home Hardware.  I needed a few groceries so Rejean dropped me off and he went on to Home Hardware.  There was no line up at the ValuMart but apparently there was a line up at the Home Hardware store.  Go figure.

Stay safe and wear a mask!!