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Wednesday, April 28, 2021


 Tunnel Lake is really down this spring.  It does have to be brought up for the walleye spawn within the next little bit.  This is where we launch our boat when we fish Tunnel Lake.



Because of the beautiful spring like weather we got a head start on our spring chores.  We finished splitting the wood we blocked from last year.  We got 23 cords all done with no damage to anybody.  We still have our double bunk to block but that can be done anytime before next winter.  Preferably when there are no bugs.

Some of the logs were a bit heavy so we rigged up the quad's winch to lift the logs onto the splitter attached to the back of the tractor.  Worked like a charm.  Now all we have to do before next fall is fill up our wood sheds.  There should be two years worth counting what is left over from this year.  It is a never ending chore.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021



Had a little visitor here today - the first Robin of the season.  And it was snowing!!!  The look on this little bird's face says it all.  I feel your pain...

Tuesday, April 13, 2021



Keith at the Tunnel Lake Trading Post has a new sign on his building.  A dragon as in Tail of the Dragon.  In the summer he has two large dragons in front of his store complete with wings.  They are beautiful.  I will get some pictures of them as soon as he puts them out.  

The next picture is of the dock that we put in the other day.  The weather has been beautiful and we have been getting a head start on all our spring chores.  I scraped and painted the big brown boat this year.  The picture is the "before"  I will get an "after" one tomorrow.  The next picture is of the bench I refinished about a week ago.  It has been sitting outside for years and I finally decided to do something about it.  The wooden slates were not in good shape so Rejean made some new ones out of oak.  It turned out beautiful.

Next is a close up of my chipmunk (one of two) and a squirrel (one of about 7) that have been eating their brains out all winter.  The chipmunks just awoke from hibernation and the one has his den on the side of our driveway - just like last year.  I still have some sunflower seeds left that I am tossing around the yard for them.

The final two pictures are of our tomato cages we made from steel mesh that you use with concrete.  We painted them white.  Last year our tomatoes were so high and heavy with fruit that the smaller regular cages just didn't hold them up.  I bet we don't have that problem this year.  

On Thursday I have to stick around the house and try and get an appointment for my vaccine.  Phase two has finally reached our little community.  The clinics are held once every two weeks so I am sure everyone will be trying to get an appointment.  Wish me luck!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2021


Don't know how this picture got in here but definitely not my sisters.  HaHa


I love my Sisters!!!  The fun we have together is so special - I can't imagine my life without them.  Here's to many,  many more adventures!!