First the snakes. We moved a big black rubber runner that we used to launch the brown boat. I knew there would be snakes under it and I was right. I just didn't think that there would be so many. There must have been about 7 small sized snakes under it. 6 of them were the ring neck snakes - the dark grey with the ring around their necks. They have a beautiful orange belly which I didn't try and see. Once they felt the sun on them they were out of there. There was another one that was curled up and took a bit longer to leave. I think he was a type of garter snake. There was also some snake skins under there. One was a good size!!!

Next the cake!! You haven't seen the boys in a while. It is Rejean's birthday today and the boys and Jodie made him a cake. We zoomed with them this morning and they sang Happy Birthday to him and blew out his candles. Charlie's wish was he wanted his family to be together. Monty I think was just itching to get at the cake. Once the candles were blown out Jodie gave them each a fork and they went at it. With the 8 hour time difference it was evening in Abu Dhabi so I think it may have been a bit difficult to get the boys to sleep after eating all that sugar!!! It was so nice to see them all.

And finally, the Pollywogs. At the Hooverville Landing where we launch our boat to fish Tunnel there are millions of Pollywogs hanging around the shore so today I took my strainer and a pail and went and caught me some Pollywogs to put in our lake to feed our fish. Wasn't too hard. The bottom was black with them. All I did was stir them up by walking towards them and they all scrambled away. I just waved my strainer and got a ton. A few minutes later and I had enough. Some even had their back legs growing already. I remember when I was younger and all the kids in the neighbourhood would go Pollywog hunting and I would sneak my Mother's strainer out to use to catch them. She would get so mad at me. A very good memory.