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Monday, November 22, 2021



November 22nd and we have our first real snow of the season.  We have been fortunate so far.  Altho the condition of the highway at 11am leaves a lot to be desired.  They are snow and ice covered and it appears that the sand trucks and plows have not been out.  At the very least there should be sand along the curves and hills for the big trucks that barrel down the highway.  Not safe at all in my opinion.

Meet my new phone!!  It is an iPhone 8 that my sister Joanne gave me.  She upgraded and felt sorry for me that I still had a flip phone.  It is all set up except for a sim card that Andrew is in the process of getting for me.  I should be up and running and in communication with everyone by the end of November!!  I will be able to text and check emails etc with it - not just make phone calls.  I can't wait to be able to take some pictures with it.  Lately when you ask someone to take your picture with my camera, you have to ask if they know how to work it.  Haha  Used to be that way with iPhones.

It has been an especially sad month.  We received news of the death of Rejean's nephew Miguel.  So young.  And news of new chemo treatments for Susan's young granddaughter Alivia.  

The number of new cases of Covid in our small district of Algoma is out of control with breakouts in our small community.  We used to have 5-10 cases but now we are over 240!!  Our Christmas trip to Windsor is not going to happen.  2022 has to be a better year!!

Stay safe

Thursday, November 11, 2021



It has been unseasonable warm up here for the deer hunters and very little activity around the feeders - except for the fat raccoons and the fat bears!!   I have never seen such fat bears but they are getting ready to hibernate and they have  been given a few extra weeks to pack on the fat.  The have been taking advantage of the candy corn.  thank goodness they don't hang around the house.  I am very cautious when walking to get the mail but they won't stick around once they hear you.  

Just a couple more days and then the hunters will be on their way home - still time to get a deer.  Haven't heard of anyone around here getting one.  

But I have seen a few grouse.  Next week we will take a ride up to Hinckler and do some bird hunting.