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Sunday, March 20, 2022



Finally the first day of Spring!!  It has been a long winter up here.  Lots of snow but the temperature hasn't been that bad.  We never had a morning where it was -40 - close but never that low.  My wood held out as did Rejean's wood.  We have our blocked double bunk of wood waiting for us over at the other property to start splitting once the snow melts enough that we can get to it.  We bought all our pressure treated plywood to repair our balcony - 5 sheets at $67 a piece!!  Not cheap!  Over the years we have had some water leaking in a corner and the floor is a bit soft so we have to get it fixed.  Plus we are in the middle of building the boys a playhouse.  Some joy finally as they are supposed to be coming this summer!  After missing two summers due to the pandemic they are trying to come.  Pictures when it is finished.  I must say it is sucking up 2 x 4s like crazy.  I think so far we have used 35 not to mention the plywood and all the other details we are incorporating.  But it will be amazing.  Charlie is worried about the time line and if it will be finished in time and Monty wants to know if they can have their own rooms!!  Jodie is trying to bring down their expectations a bit.  It will have a slide, a climbing wall and steps plus a deck.  It is 8 x 8 and the interior will be 8 x 5 so lots of room inside for them to play.  It will be right by the trampoline so we may never see them all summer.

The first picture is one of our sure signs of spring - the racoons are out.  Eating up all the bird seeds the birds missed.  Hopefully when we bring in the bird feeder they will move on.  Not creatures you want hanging around.  

Tuesday, March 8, 2022