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Tuesday, January 14, 2025



It is a job full of long hours

in all temperatures, and lots of hard work.

But it is so much more than that.

It is scars, callouses, broken bones,

Stitches and bruises.

It is sunshine and storms, dirt under your nails

And straw in your boots.

It is early mornings and late nights and long days.

It is the joy of a good harvest, the beauty of a sunset

The peace in the barns

It is a calf in your kitchen, a dog in your truck

And freedom in your soul

It is faith, determination and accomplishment

It is fears, tears, laughter and love

It is a way of life, a sense of pride, a family affair

It is home

And there is no place I would rather be.

Jack’s chores are all done.  It is time to rest.

November 13, 1953 - January 3, 2025