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Tuesday, January 14, 2025



It is a job full of long hours

in all temperatures, and lots of hard work.

But it is so much more than that.

It is scars, callouses, broken bones,

Stitches and bruises.

It is sunshine and storms, dirt under your nails

And straw in your boots.

It is early mornings and late nights and long days.

It is the joy of a good harvest, the beauty of a sunset

The peace in the barns

It is a calf in your kitchen, a dog in your truck

And freedom in your soul

It is faith, determination and accomplishment

It is fears, tears, laughter and love

It is a way of life, a sense of pride, a family affair

It is home

And there is no place I would rather be.

Jack’s chores are all done.  It is time to rest.

November 13, 1953 - January 3, 2025

Thursday, December 26, 2024


 A day late but wanted to wish everyone a Happy Holiday

Every Christmas will be different - not better, not worse, just different

You will be older.  They will be older.

The magic will shift.

Soak it in because this version of Christmas

Only happens once 

Friday, October 18, 2024

Proof of life

 Considering what has happened these past few years and what happened last month, I am doing fine.  It has been so long and I don’t have my Apple computer, I can’t see where or how to post a photo.  But I will keep looking and hopefully I will get back to normal blogging my life.

Actually it will be interesting for anyone who has ever lost their home due to a fire.  Anyone who escaped with their sandals,a pair of shorts and a t shirt.  Anyone who ran back into the burning home to grab her purse, and Rejean’s ipad.  Any one who was fortunate to have a sister with a cottage near by who was out of town and offered them a place to sleep that night.  Anyone who was lucky enough to have a parked trailer on their property suitable for living in until it gets too cold…

Monday, June 12, 2023



She's back again this year.  Our very own Snapper.  She is looking for a place to lay her eggs.  She was here last year and tried a few places but was unsuccessful due to the hard ground.  She did try another site closer to the dock and Rejean got a load of sand and prepared a nice spot for her but she never found it.  Maybe this year she will.  We rarely see turtles in our lake but every once in a while we will see her if we leave some fish in the basket in the water.  We also have a few painted turtles around here which we rarely see as well.  They are very secretive.  

Joanne has had her share of turtle traffic on her driveway.  They can actually get a hole big and deep enough for them to actually lay the eggs but so far none have hatched.

I will keep an eye out for her diggings and keep you posted.  


Thursday, January 19, 2023



First a weather report for today - 15 cm of new snow is predicted but from the last snowfall and the warm temperatures we have been having, the snow has been slowly sliding down the roof of the garage.  We prefer that as when it finally does slide completely off, it won't cover the driveway and trap us until we can clear it.  When I go check for mail, I walk as far to the right as I can just in case it decides to slide.

And now for the good news.  I had mentioned before about my stupid chronic cough that I have had for years.  I just couldn't shake it.  I have gone for breathing tests and see a respirologist and I am being treated for asthma.  I thought I had COPD at one point.  It was a horrible cough.  I coughed hard even to the point where I felt as tho I was going to pass out.  I coughed all year long.  I coughed at home. I coughed in Florida and Abu Dhabi.  Everywhere.  My doctor was sure it was allergy induced asthma and I have been referred to a clinic in London for testing.  But during all these years I have been looking on line for different reasons for such a cough but never found anything close to what I had.  Until a few weeks ago.  On my Facebook feed there was a link to a site for "a cough that won't go away"  and i clicked on it. It was a doctor in a video and he started talking about Sensory Neuropathic Coughing.  It was as tho he was describing me.  It is a type of neuropathy.  It affects the nerve endings in your throat and causes you to cough.  I called to make an appointment with my Nurse Practitioner and asked the receptionist to tell Dan to look it up so he could be familiar with it.  Long story short I got a prescription for a drug  that  calms the nerve endings that was causing the cough.  After the first pill I would say my coughing was reduced by 90% and it is still doing what it is supposed to.  Needless to say I am amazed at the results.  I am back to me!!  You sometimes have to be your own advocate in situations.  And have a good doctor or nurse practitioner who will listen to you and not dismiss your ideas.  

Sunday, January 1, 2023



2023!!  How did that happen.  It seems like the last 3 years have flown by or seems like they have been dragging.  I guess it depends on what day it is and how you feel when you are thinking about it.  Today it is the former.  

Our celebrations started out with good intentions but due to the majority of the guests not feeling up to par, Stacey and Andrew went back to their place at 7 and Rejean and I watched some tv and were down by 10pm.  Certainly not what I had planned but there is always next year.

Instead of resolutions, I will have intentions.  I intend on getting back to my exercise routines which have fallen by the wayside these past years due to this stupid cough which I intend on getting a firm diagnosis and treatment for.  I will not let it ruin my life!!!

I am not drinking for the month of January.  It is usually February but I have plans for February and I want to be able to indulge in a few beverages.  I never have problems doing this and I do it to prove to myself that I can do it.  Not that I drink a lot anyways but I do enjoy my white wine in a box in the afternoon after all the work is done for the day.

I have high hopes for 2023.  I hope I am not disappointed.

Happy News Years to you all.  I wish you happiness and good health.

Friday, December 30, 2022



We had another big snow fall the other day - another 8 inches or so.  It was perfect snowmobile weather.  Sunny and not too cold.  We went for another burn on the two machines.  Andrew and Stacey on Stacey's machine and Rejean and I on Andrew's machine.  It was Stacey's first time out on them.  Same trip as before down to the Trading Post and back.  We had fun.

But a big warm up was on the way.  It was 8 degrees when we woke up this morning with the snow slowly falling off the house and garage.  It had already fallen off the back of the house last nite.  It shook the house as it always does.  It will be a mess out there today.  We will try not to drive on the driveway because it will just leave big ruts and when it freezes up again, they will be left.  

New Year's Eve tomorrow but maybe no big party in our future.  People around us are still getting covid and the flu so we will just stay home and relax.