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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

What Day Is It?

Just for a moment I didn't know what day it was !! I guess that is the first sign of ...something...oh well, it really doesn't matter what day it is up here - everyday is work day. After I took my new dress to Phyllis' for her to shorten it, I went back home to work. I am putting rocks on my garden slope and you have to go out and look for them, then you have to lift them and put them in the truck then take them home, lift them out and place them. That was my weight exercises today. I only have a few to go and that will be tomorrow. Rejean worked on the road and up around the house - I raked the tractor marks out of the road. For those of you who have never raked a road before let me tell you it is very calming. Almost zen like. You see the rake marks in the road as you walk either back and forth or up and down (sounds kind of sexy) It just looks a whole lot better after. Cleaner and neater. I know - get a life.
It turned out to be a nice day after all - started out raining and then the sun came out as we were working. I changed into shorts and took my turtle neck off and put a t-shirt on. It did get a bit warm. After all the work was done it was shower time then cocktail time. Sat on the dock for a bit.
Last nite at Axe Lake there were a lot of people - free booze gets them out. Everyone was there and it was a good evening. I got to meet Kenny's wife Ann who I have never met before - I called her the phantom wife. Some women don't like it up here so the guys are usually up more than the ladies. Nice bonfire and lots of friends - nice nite.
It is supposed to be sunny and 25 on Saturday for the party so keep your fingers crossed.
I didn't take any pics today so I will have to go into the archives for today's picture
See Ya Bye
ps I have a golf date for next Tuesday with Darlene and Joy - should be FUN.

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