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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Again, Finally, Almost

Rejean and Gerry went to Menard's in Marquette Michigan to pick up the post covers - only $66 each instead of over $100 here in Canada - a 5 1/2 hour ride one way!!!! They left at 8 am and didn't return until after 10:30 pm (I had the insurance money spent) and it was a successful trip - the two of them loose in Menards - imagine the purchases. Wednesday was the shed day - the 3 of us put up Rick's shed on the other property - H O T ! ! - and Thursday was post day. Everything went well until one package was opened and it only contained 3 panels instead of 4!! I got on the phone and spoke with the manager and they will ship another package to Sault St Marie Michigan for pick up - a lot better than going all the way back and I don't mind another trip to the Sault. What a difference the covers make - it just finishes the porch - see the barbeque area? Now Rejean and Rick can BBQ in the rain in the "Grilling Area" as they call it.
Tonite the 6 of us will go to the Outpost for dinner and it being Thursday that means we will have a roast pork dinner - yum yum. Anne Kehoe at the Outpost said they have to make hay while the sun is shining meaning they can accommodate the 6 of us. They feed their guests and with the 6 of us they will be feeding 26 people tonite. Keeps them busy!!! Gerry, Cheryle, Rick, Joan, Rejean and I will be well fed tonite.
Sorry I haven't been blogging regularly but it is the summer and I am busy doing stuff and I can't seem to find the time to blog everyday but I will be blogging the highlights - like all our visitors coming next week. Rejean's mother, Lise, Anne, Joel, Daniel and Sara will be arriving Tuesday and Ebony, Andy and their three little kids will be coming Saturday to stay in the trailer with Rick and Joan so it will be hectic again here. The fox keeps coming regularly so there is some entertainment there for the kids. And Jacques is still hungry.
And Saturday there is a 25th wedding anniversary party for Skip and Joanne - another one of those everything is provided so just bring your chairs party - it should be well attened.
That's it for now ...
See Ya Bye

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